We Will Not Let You Go!

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"Can you please shut up?" I said in anger. "You've been babbling nonsense every day I've been here."

Liang finally went quiet and opted to stare at the wall.

I grabbed onto the cell bars and peeked around for some form of entertainment. "This place is so boring."

"Why wouldn't it be?" My father retorted.

I turned to look at him. "Sometimes I wish I could snap your head off."

"Do it then, it's not like you'll be moved anywhere else." He said with a scoff.

I kept glancing into the hallway between my back and forths with him. I couldn't believe I used to think Ty Lee was annoying. I saw a guard approaching and looked up hopefully.

The guard came to our cell. "Liang, your wife is here."

I sighed and looked up in boredom. My father stood up with a tiny grin and walked past me. I stuck my foot out in attempt to trip him but he didn't fall for it.

A few minutes later he came back. "That was short." I observed. "What did she say?"

He sat down and smirked. "She's pregnant."

I narrowed my eyes. "Gross."

"Only if it's a firebender." He corrected.

"Right. So you can do experiments on another nonbender." I said.

He crossed his arms and started whistling.

I got annoyed after a while and figured talking would make him stop. "Where'd you meet your wife?"

"I don't know." Liang responded.

I scoffed. "So Ozai was right that she is a protistute."

"Ozai knows nothing." Liang responded. "If he did, I wouldn't be in here."

"Wow, isn't it like, illegal to speak against the Fire Lord? That was pretty bold." I said jokingly.

"One of the ways the Fire Nation is so behind." He criticized.

I stared at the floor. He made sense for once. It did nothing to sway my opinion of him, but at least we agreed on something.


"Zuko, it's gotten even more boring in there. I swear to God, if I have to spend another day I'll die." I confessed.

Zuko looked at me with a "yikes" look. "Well, you won't be there for another day." He whispered. "The day of black sun is tomorrow. Around noon."

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. "What are we gonna do?"

"We need to find a way to leave quickly. A hot air balloon. Theres a strip of them west of the palace. I figured we could meet there right after the eclipse?" Zuko suggested.

"Alright. I think I know a way to escape." I whispered. "So around noon is when it starts?" I added.

"Yes. But I need you to do one thing." He stated.


"Get Uncle."

I blinked in surprise. "Zuko, I can't do that. I'm not sure if I could get myself out, let alone Uncle."

"You have to." Zuko responded.

I sighed heavily. "Ok, ok. I'll try. How is Azula?"

"I don't know. She's been sitting in her room all day." He answered.

I crossed my fingers on the table. "Can you... maybe write her a letter for me or something?"


The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now