My Time Has Come

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"You thought I was dead?" I said. "I guess that's not surprising."

"Well according to my nephew, you drowned because the ocean spirit pulled you into the water." Iroh responded.

"Well yeah, that did kinda happen, but I didn't die." I explained. "I woke up the next day and found out that the avatar saved me."

Iroh nodded in thought.

"Where's Zuko? I want to surprise him." I said with a tiny grin.

"He isn't here. He told me he needed to find his own way." Iroh said, shaking his head slowly. "Ive been tracking him, he isn't too far away."

I frowned. "Why would he need to find his own way? That's ridiculous."

"He has to find the right way. I think you could help him."

I nodded slightly.

"How about some tea?" Iroh asked, sitting down.

I nodded and sat down in front of him. I looked at Toph. "This is Toph by the way. She's going to be Aang's earthbending teacher."

Toph nodded and sat down next to me. Iroh handed us some tea.

"You seem a little young to be here with only Ashley." Iroh commented.

"You seem a little too old to be here alone." Toph replied.

Iroh laughed. "Perhaps I am."

"I know what you're thinking. I look like I can't handle being without my parents."

"I wasn't thinking that."

"You wouldn't even let me pour my own cup of tea." Toph protested.

"I poured your tea because I wanted to and for no other reason."

"People see me and think I'm weak. They want to take care of me. But I can take care of myself by myself."

"You sound like my nephew." Iroh commented. "Always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone's support. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you. Not that I love you; I just met you."

I listened quietly, thinking of Zuko.

"So your nephew is Ashley's boyfriend?" Toph asked.

Iroh chuckled and I groaned. "He isn't my boyfriend, Toph."

"Well, Sokka said he was and you didn't deny it." Toph replied cheekily.

"Whatever." I said, crossing my arms. "Uncle, do you know any girl with blue firebending? She and two other girls are trying to murder us."

Iroh seemed alarmed by this. "Azula!"

I tilted my head. "Isn't Azula-"

"My niece." Iroh explained for me. "That must be who Zuko is following." He thought aloud.

I winced. "We better go find them then."


Iroh and I ran into the small ghost-town cautiously. I peered around one of the buildings and looked around at the scene unfolding. My eyes immediately saw Zuko, and I couldn't help but smile. He was much different. His ponytail was gone. He looked scrawnier.

While Azula was busy firing blasts at Aang, I rushed over to Zuko. He glanced up at me and widened his eyes. "A-Ashley?"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Come on, Zuko, we gotta go beat up your sister."

He blinked in disbelief but quickly ran with me to where everyone was cornering Azula and helped close in on her.

"Well, look at this. Enemies and traitors all working together. I'm done." She raised her hands in a gesture of surrender "I know when I'm beaten. You got me. A princess surrenders with honor."

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now