Oh, Baby

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"I didn't sign up for this." I complained as we were being carried in the palanquin.

"Oh, shush. You are being treated like royalty by being in this with me. Perhaps seem a bit more excited." Azula said with a tiny eye roll.

"So what is this about burning down the Earth Kingdom?" I asked.

"Sozin's Comet is in three days. We are going to the Earth Kingdom on a fleet of ships, and you are going to help us burn all of the land to the ground." Azula explained.

I raised an eyebrow. "Well if you want to take the Earth Kingdom land, wouldn't it be dumb to destroy it all? You'd lose all the resources that could be used for the Fire Nation."

Azula shook her head slightly. "We have infinite resources. And besides, it isn't about the land, it's about the power."

"So the war changed from wanting to spread Fire Nation greatness to just wanting everything, even if it won't actually help." I pondered.

"You could interpret it as that. I think it's just fun." Azula replied with a tiny grin. We were being carried to the royal plaza. Ozai was riding in front of us on his palanquin, but we were falling behind.

Azula's eyes darted to the side, where one of the guard was carrying the palanquin. She peered through the veil impatiently. "Come on slowpokes, faster!" The palanquin bearers picked up the pace but were clearly struggling. "Ashley, you are too fat for them." She said sarcastically.

"Hey!" I said defensively. I gave her shoulder a tiny shove, and her head snapped back at me.

"Don't push me like that." She snapped.

I replied with a scoff.

Ozai's palanquin made it to the plaza, and Ozai stepped out. Azula and I reached him soon after. We ran up to the top of the steps Ozai was waiting at impatiently.

I stepped to the side as Azula and I both kneeled down.

Ozai glanced over at me as if I was a fly. "Why is she back? I thought I put her in jail." He asked coldy.

"She wants to help us." Azula spoke for me. "Anyway, sorry I'm late, Father. Good palanquin bearers are so hard to come by these days. So, is everything ready for our departure?"

"There has been a change of plans, Azula." Ozai said matter-of-factly.

Azula turned her head in shock. "What?"

"I've decided to lead the fleet of airships to Ba Sing Se alone. You will remain here in the Fire Nation." Ozai instructed.

"But I thought we were going to do this together." Azula whined.

"My decision is final." He answered.

Azula seemed super distraught. "You... you can't treat me like this. You can't treat me like Zuko!" She said in annoyance.

Ozai frowned. "Azula, silence yourself."

Azula clenched her fists. "But it was my idea to burn everything to the ground! I deserve to be by your side!"

Ozai snapped his head at her and raised his voice sharply. "Azula! Listen to me."

I saw Azula cool down and lower her head in obedience.

"I need you here to watch over the homeland, it's a very important job that I can only entrust to you." Ozai replied.

Azula looked up in disbelief. "Really?"

Ozai turned to Azula. "And for your loyalty, I've decided to declare you the new Fire Lord."

I looked up in surprise.

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now