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I walked in hesitantly and relaxed when I saw Zuko seemingly asleep in bed. I didn't really want to talk to him. In fact, at the time, I thought subconsciously that it would've been nice to just completely ignore him that day, the way he completely ignored me as he left the prison the night before.

I opened the shades from the windows and the room lit up with sunlight.

Zuko shifted and l glared at him, waiting for him to wake up.

He opened his eyes and looked up at me. "You're back?"

"Yeah, no thanks to you." I responded, my arms crossed. "Why'd you just leave me?"

Zuko pulled the sheets higher over his shoulders. "I was angry, ok? I didn't mean to."

"And you shouldn't have been angry in the first place. Uncle had the right to be upset at you. You better go back and say sorry." I lightly scolded.

"Don't tell me what to do. Uncle is a criminal, he doesn't deserve sympathy."

"Then I don't have sympathy for you. I wonder what your mom would think of you doing that. She would probably be ashamed." I replied, looking up at the ceiling.

Zuko sat up. "Don't bring her into this! You don't even know what you are talking about."

I looked back at him and tapped my finger on my chin, acting confused. "You told me the last thing she ever said to you was to 'never forget who you are,' right? Yikes, guess you didn't fulfill her wish." I definitely went over the line, something I said even gave off Azula vibes.

"I know who I am, I'm the prince of the Fire Nation." Zuko said, raising his voice. "Uncle must've told you to bother me, didn't he? He sent you to come torture me!" He got out of the bed and glared at me aggressively.

"How am I torturing you? If anyone is torturing you, it's yourself!"

He replied by throwing my father's book at me, part of it ignited in flames.

I dodged the book quickly by moving to the side, and watched, almost in shock as it burned through the pages. I quickly came to realization and stomped on the book to extinguish the fire. Coughing slightly due to the smoke, I lifted up the book gently and flipped the wrinkled, illegible pages. "What is up with you throwing fire at me?" I questioned in anger.

"You deserve it." Zuko scoffed.

I sighed, defeated. "I'm talking to my father and then I'm leaving." I threw the ash-filled book on the ground.

"And where will you go?" Zuko replied. "Are you gonna go help your friend, the avatar? You seem to like him more than me!"

"No, I'm gonna go home." I replied shortly before walking out of the room.

"Wait-" I heard Zuko protest as I left. I kept going.

I stomped down the hallway and out of the capital. I glanced around, looking for a certain medical clinic. I had no idea where I was going. I ran over to a random person walking by and tapped on their shoulder.

The woman gave me a really strange look, and I looked down at myself, realization hitting me. I was still wearing my clothes from the night before. I was draped in a nightgown, a wide open robe, slippers, messy hair, and ashes all over my hands from the burnt book.

I shook my head to get to the point. "I need help. Could you tell me where Lei Liang's clinic is?"

"You definitely do need help." The woman responded, glancing at me again. "I believe he is two blocks down, on the right corner."

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now