Doesn't Really Matter to Me

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I lied on the ground, awake, per usual. I was thinking. I heard rustling and saw Katara trying to sneak off, the scroll in her hand. I raised my eyebrow and sat up.

I followed Katara through the woods, trying not to make any noise. I got the the shore and saw Katara trying to manipulate a ball of water.

"Shoot! Come on water, work with me here!" She said with frustration.

I rolled my eyes and stepped out from the brush. "Katara, why are you sneaking out to practice?"

She continued lifting the water. "I need to get better."

"You do need to get better; but why are you hiding from everyone?" I continued.

Katara sighed. "It doesn't matter, go away."

Suddenly, we both heard the noise of grinding metal. Katara ran over to a row of bushes on her left and parted them to reveal Zuko's ship now beached on the river bank. I made a slight smile until a pirate grabbed me by the arms.

Katara bended a waterwhip and smacked the pirate in the face so I could escape.

I ran away from the pirate and another one caught me.

Katara staggered backwards and Zuko came out of the shadows and grabbed her.  "I'll save you from the pirates."

I widened my eyes and then frowned. "Let go of me you idiot!" I yelled to the pirate.

Zuko nodded to the pirate and I was released from the pirates hold. I brushed my shoulders where he grabbed me and gave the pirate a look.

Katara looked back and forth between Zuko and I. "Ashley! I trusted you!" She said with betrayal.

I looked at the ground guiltily for a moment. "Sorry Katara." I looked back up. "It was my only option."


"Tell me where he is and I won't hurt you or your brother." Zuko reasoned

"Go jump in the river!" Katara shouted.

I rolled my eyes.

"Try to understand, I need to capture to restore something I've lost. My honor. Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost." Zuko continued. He held her mother's necklace across her throat and Katara widened her eyes.

"My mother's necklace! How did you get that?" Katara said in shock.

"I didn't steal it, if that's what you're wondering. Tell me where he is." Zuko continued.

"No!" Katara replied.

"They are a little south of here." I answered. Zuko smiled in a hidden way.

"Enough of this garbage. You promised the scroll!" One of the pirates yelled.

Zuko held out the scroll and teased fire under it. "I wonder how much money this is worth? A lot, apparently. Now you help me find what I want, you'll get this back and everyone goes home happy."

"Fine." The pirate captain responded.

The pirates all went off to find Aang.

"You are such a jerk; both of you are!"
Katara spat.

I looked at her evenly. "I'm just doing what I can to go home."

Katara furrowed her eyebrows and continued to struggle in the chains around the tree.


I smiled to Iroh, who had just came out of the ship, he smiled back and gave me a big bear-hug. "It's nice to see you again, Iroh." I said, happiness bubbling inside.

The Fire Within - an atla fanfic (Zuko x OC)Where stories live. Discover now