Chapter 8: He knows

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"I just thought it would be funny watching you jump to get it" I laughed " and it was"

"ha ha very funny" she said sarcastically "do something else"

"I would but we need to finish this project again. and if my family finds out I told you they will kill me"

"they wouldn't really kill you. would they?" she half asked.

"maybe not literally but I would be severely punished" I explained. "Who knows what they would do to me. They would probably have to erase your memory"

"Erase my memory?" She said confused

"Yeah he can do that, he's a brilliant scientist" I said "he can do practically anything"

"You wouldn't let him do that right?" She asked worried

"No, there is no way I would ever let him do that" I said, and she smiled. 


"Hey give me your phone" she playfully demanded

"Why?" I asked

"I'm going to put in my number" she laughed. "So you can call me if you need a break from your brothers"

"I still can't believe this" I mumbled

I handed her my phone after I put in my pass code and when she was done she handed me her unlocked phone to put in my own number. So now my contact in her phone is "Chase 😍😂😬"

I looked at my own phone to see that her contact was "Breeee😻😸🎀"

I guess we had more in common then I thought xD. Maybe we will be able to make this work. 

...The next day

"Chase Davenport!" Mr Davenport yelled. oh no. 

I ran down to where I heard his voice and he looked angry. 

"You told an outsider our secret!" He screamed. There is no way I can get out of this. "You better have the best explanation for this!" 

"How did you find out?" I asked. 

"Leo told me, and stop stalling" He growled. 

"I told Bree because I care about her and she's the only person I have met that cared about me" I said. 

"You told the girl, the girl you barely know, the girl you have no chance with, the girl you just met?!" He screamed. 

"I care about that girl, that girl's name is Bree, and I know a lot more about her than you think! She found bionics cool! She is interested in it! I trust her! And I do know that I do have a chance with her. And now I know what you think of me" I yelled, and it left him in shock. 

"Chase, I have no choice but to erase her memory of bionics" He said more calm than before. 

"Don't! You are going to have to trust me that I trust her" I said harshly. "Oh and you should know something that I bet Leo didn't mention. He and Adam purposefully made me turn into Spike while she was here so she would never talk to me again. They exposed our secret, I explained myself about what was happening, she wasn't scared, she believed what I said, and I trust that she won't tell anybody" 

"Leo what?" Mr Davenport said shocked. 

"And if you don't believe me, ask Eddy. He probably has the entire thing on video. You'll be able to see that she won't tell anybody. If she was going to, she wouldn't have stayed, she wouldn't still be talking to me" I said confidently. 

"Go get Leo" He said trying to stay calm. A freak out wasn't going to help anybody. 

I nodded and walked out of the room to go get Leo, he is going to get everything that is coming to him. 

"Leo, we need to talk. But right now, Mr Davenport needs to see you" I said as calm as I could, being this angry with him. 

"About what?" He said with a high pitched voice. 

"We are talking about this later" I said raising my eye brows to make a point. 

... A few days later

I walked into school with my head down and went to my locker. 

"Chase, why haven't you been at school" Bree said turning me around. "Are you okay?"

"My dad knows I told you and wasn't very happy about it" I frowned. 

"Well how did he find out?" Bree asked awkwardly as she put her right hand on her other arm. 

"Leo" I said with disgust in my voice. 

"Well why couldn't you come to school" She asked. 

"He was going to pull us out of school but Tasha convinced him not to but that took a couple days" I explained. "But I am not speaking to either Leo or Adam for a long time" 

"I know they were acting like assholes" She laughed. "But they are your brothers" 

"Brothers who don't care about my feelings. And a dad who doesn't truly care about me. At least I know where I stand with him" I said mumbling that last part. 

"Chase, trust me, everything will be okay" Bree said closing my locker for me and grabbing my hands. 

"Thanks Bree" I said. "But I'm still not talking to them" 

"Okay, fair enough" Bree laughed. "i'll see you later?" 

I nodded and walked away to class. I guess things aren't as bad as I thought. I have one person who cares about me, and I'm glad it's her. 

I have no idea how my life has turned out this way. 

Bree's pov

I was getting worried how Chase wasn't in school for a few days and how he never responded to my messages. Once I saw him I had to cheer him up. I was going to tell him that we got an A on our project but we had to get to class. 

It seems like things are sort of working out. Chase and I chose to be friends and see how things go, and nothing bad has happened so far. 


It was lunch time and I was walking into the cafeteria. 

"Hey Bree, can I talk to you for a second?" Danielle asked. 

We had to walk quickly out to the hallway because Trent was about to follow us, well me. 

"Danielle, what's wrong?" I asked as I ran past Chase and his brothers. 

"How are things between you and Chase?" Danielle asked with a small smile on her face. 

"Things are..." I paused having to think about what word would be good to use. "fine I guess, it's a bit complicated" 

"Do you think you could talk to Adam for me?" She asked with hope in her eyes. 

"Umm, I don't think it would be the best if I did. He already thinks that I'm just using Chase which isn't true. And Chase wouldn't be able to because they all aren't on the best of terms right now" I explained awkwardly. I honestly would if I could.  


I know it has been a really long time. But I did say I would update when I could. 

I tried to do my best with this chapter but I don't even know. 

Do you guys want me to work on this more right now than They're Back. because if that's what you want I will. I am watching every single episode of Lab Rats for inspiration too. I guess it's working because I have this chapter :P

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