Chapter 13: What If

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Bree's pov

Once Chase left I stood there inside staring off into nowhere. A text pulled me out of my thoughts, it was a text from Chase.

I smiled and then my smile immediately disappeared. Since I was still at the door I opened and locked it and started running in the direction of Chase's house.

When I got there I tried to calmly knock on the door. 

Tasha came to the door.

She even brought me down to their "lab"

I guess Chase had told her all about me and so she trusted me enough. She would have no reason not to anyway. Unless Leo had a say in this..

Chase's pov

The fire was huge but we had Adam punch a hole in the wall that was safer to break and away from the fire.

The inside looked worse, I don't know how anyone wasn't dead.

Adam picked up some little kids who had been separated from their parents and rushed them out of the building to safety while Mr Davenport and I got as many people as we could as a group and quickly showed them the best way out.

I really hope the firemen would get the fire out soon before the whole building falls down. It was beginning to be hard to breathe. I imagine I have dirt all over my face after this.But I just kept one thought in my head for motivation.

Adam and Mr Davenport thought we got everyone out but for some reason I felt like we didn't. Like there was still one person missing, and I didn't like the feeling one bit.

I kept looking around cautiously and I guess Adam followed me because he worried but then everything started to go black and I hear Adam shouting and calling for Mr Davenport to help..

Bree's pov

It had been an hour since I got to Chase's house and I was pacing around their lab for half of it. The recent half I had went back upstairs with Tasha and was just sitting on their couch thinking. You know like the type of thinking you have when you go to sleep, the ones that you think of a million (obviously less) scenarios in your head to worry yourself even more, you know, that stuff? I always tried not to because I knew there was no point in it. But now I couldn't stop myself. I was thinking about what if something bad happened to Chase while he was gone.

I felt like I was worrying myself even MORE by just sitting there so I got up and went back down to the lab to wait, I'm surprised my parents haven't wondered where I am at this point.

They had this small firm couch that I would barely consider one and I sat down there, but after a while I laid down on it and drifted off.

Tasha later had woken me up saying that it was getting late and that she could bring me home if I wanted. It was a nice gesture but I couldn't get myself to go home until I knew for sure that Chase is okay. And I'm guessing she understood because she was just as worried about Mr Davenport, and that was more deep than me and Chase.

I'm just trying to convince myself that I am over reacting and that everything is okay, not that it is going to be okay, because that would just lead me back into a bunch of 'what if' thoughts.

The lab door opened which got me out of those thoughts. I looked in that direction and whispered "Chase.." While I took off my sling

Mr. Davenport and Adam walked in with Chase's arms around their neck. Which means something happened, that he was hurt. Suddenly my arm that was broken started to hurt, I put it back on and walked quickly back over to them.

"What happened?" I asked with more worry in my voice than I have ever had.

"He's fine, he's just lightheaded," Mr Davenport said while he and Adam laid Chase down on a nearby table.

By the time he saw me walking toward him he tried to sit up but I carefully pushed him back down. And when I did he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Chase!" I shouted at him shaking his arm.

"Bree, relax, I checked in with his chip, he's fine" Mr Davenport said trying to calm me.

Too many thoughts were going through my head.

"But when is he going to wake up?" I asked grabbing Chase's hand.

"Just trust me that he is okay" Mr Davenport said taking off a special looking jacket. Which was probably for 'missions'

I stood there for a few more minutes debating if I should leave and go home to my possible worried parents or stay here for the night since its this late..

I looked back at Chase's face and let go of his hand to brush some of the dirt off of his face. It was everywhere, in his hair, on his face, and it was all over his mission suit. I held his hand again and leaned down to kiss his cheek. And when I leaned back from his face I could feel him faintly squeeze my hand. I smiled to myself slightly and let go of him unwillingly and checked my phone for the time. It was 11:43, I had two missed calls from both of my parents and a group text from them asking where I am and if I wasn't home by midnight that I was grounded. I replied that I would be home in ten minutes tops and that I was at Chase's house.

I could explain a little bit of tonight's events but not that much. Maybe they'll understand. By this point Adam was in his capsule nearby sleeping and not to mention snoring loudly. Now there was if I was going to walk home or see if I could get a ride from Tasha still, if she is even still awake. I then left Chase and walked out of their lab and to the elevator.

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