Chapter 20: SuperSpeed

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Getting a bionic chip shoved into your neck is definitely painful. Possibly more painful than breaking my arm, your neck is very sensitive to pain. But I finally had bionics. I walked out of the capsule holding the back of my neck, hoping the pain would go away soon. It's slowly getting better. 

"Are you okay?" Chase asked, starting to walk towards me-

"Chase don't!" Mr. Davenport interrupted.

"Why" Chase replied, stopping in his tracks.

"Since her bionics are brand new, your chip could affect the signal of her chip because we are monitoring her chip to see how it's doing" Mr. Davenport quickly explained.

"Chase don't worry it's fine" I said, trying to settle his nerves.

"Alright Bree, how does it feel. Other
than a chip in your neck do you feel any different?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"Other than the pain, I do feel oddly cold" I said, holding my arms.

"Ok, well when you are ready, I want you to look forward and start running and focus on trying to activate your super speed" Mr. Davenport said, looking up from his clipboard. 

I nodded and took a deep breath before starting to run, my bionics immediately kicked in, but I can't control it and I ran into Chase, knocking him down to the floor. 

"I'm sorry" I said, knowing that had to hurt him. 

"It's no problem. Better than face first" Chase said, laughing it off. 

"Well, we know it works, you'll learn how to control it with time. And when you do we will move on to controlling your other abilities one by one" Mr. Davenport said, setting down his clipboard and helping both of us up. "and Chase, I will take over your classes so you can help Bree master her speed faster"

"Alright, then we better get this started" Chase said, as Mr Davenport started to leave the room. 

"Ok so do you want me to just do that again?"-

As soon as Mr Davenport was out of sight, Chase walked closer to me and kissed me softly yet briefly. When we broke apart he said, "Yes that again"

I rolled my eyes with a very obvious blush and softly pushed him away, "I'm serious Chase!"

"I am too," He laughed. My response was to lightly hit him on the chest. 

"Ok, ok, I when you are running I want you to only focus on stopping, don't think about your speed, but if you feel like you can't stop, then I want you to run into me" Chase said, moving to the center of the room. 

"But won't that hurt, me knocking you over, over and over again?" I asked. 

"Well since it's just you and me, if you need me to break your fall rather than the floor, it's what we have to do. And ok maybe it will hurt a little bit but that just gives us another excuse to kiss" He said, ending with a smirk. 

I rolled my eyes again, "can you stay serious for just a minute?"

I decided to ignore the look on his face and just get started, once I started running, I tried to focus on stopping but I was too focused on not running into wall that I accidentally ran out of the door and hit someone and fell to the floor. 

"Good to see your bionics work" Adam said, grunting from unexpectedly hitting the floor. 

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop" I said rolling off from him and just laying on the floor. 

"It's no problem" Adam said sitting up. - 

-"Bree," Chase laughed as he saw me on the floor, "you were supposed to run into me"

I ignored him again and took his hand he held out to help me up and then I helped Adam up. 

"How about we call it a day and try again tomorrow?" Chase said, smoothing out my sleeve that got messed up from falling that many times. 

"No, I want to keep trying. " I said, grabbing his arm and dragging him back to the other room. "It's like you said, more reasons for us to kiss" 

I was not planning on us just kissing most of the time. I just wanted to keep practicing and this way, he would. 

I looked at the path before I started running of where I wanted to go and hoped my feet would follow it while I tried to focus on stopping. This time I was able to stop, but I very slowly slowed down. To me, that still counted. But by then, I think it was nearly midnight, it was very time consuming. 

The next morning when I woke up I got ready and then started to run, like a normal run, to find Chase but my bionics kicked in and I was using my superspeed without meaning to. This time, even though I couldn't stop on my own, I was able to control my path, which was definitely improvement. I was learning this faster than I thought I would. But as I was running, trying to avoid hitting someone, Adam saw me and grabbed me while I was running to stop me, which worked, which is also good to know. 

"Thanks, I wasn't even trying to use my bionics this time, I was just looking for Chase" I said, trying to catch my breath. I really will have to get used to this. 

"You will get the hang of it, you're doing fine" 

I accidentally activated my superspeed again, yes, again, and when I found Chase I somehow was able to stop in front of him. 

"Chase! I did it!" I said, throwing my arms around him, of course this isn't it, I still have to practice it but I'm getting there. 

"Invisibility is next"


Ok so it's weird, I have this old ipod and there is music on it that I haven't heard before and I was listening to a song I have never heard before and I absolutely loved it, I put it on repeat and was able to write the rest of this chapter. And btw, this story is ending soon, and my final exams are next week(but then I will be a senior, WOW)

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