Chapter 6: Adam Did It

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“maybe she actually does like you” Adam said confused.

“I still don’t know” Leo said warily.

“Leo im so close to being done with you” I angered.

“I just want to protect you” Leo said and threw his arms up in defense.

“protect me from what?! Bree? We have been over this Leo! I know your my new brother and you love me but its like you don’t want me to be happy” I yelled the last part.

“that is not true” Leo whispered harshly

“well it sure as hell seems that way” I said as I shot up from my seat and grabbed my lunch and throwing it out on the way out of the cafeteria.

I need to chill but Leo seriously needs to stop! Spike is getting closer and closer. He knows that! He couldn’t have just dropped it. It would be even worse because we are at school.

…after school

“ Chase there is a pretty girl at the door for you. Never thought I would say that” Adam yelled

Bree walked in and Chase came into the room while Adam left to go back to Leo’s room to play video games since Bree and Chase were going to be using to living room for their project.

She doesn’t really seem into the project, like she’s faking it..

“are you honestly interested in the project” I asked and sighed.

“…no” she breathed out.

“then why are you here?” I asked hoping to not sound rude.

“because-ok- I like you” she said abruptly and stood up from the floor (since we were working on the floor)

“as a….friend…?”

Im really confused, well I don’t even know at this point.

“no- for some strange reason, im attracted to you”

She was walking, well pacing in a circle and stopped and turned to me when she finished saying that.

Woah…this is a lot to take in.. what do I do? What do I say to something like that? I know what I want to have happen but then that stupid dream I had comes back into my head.

“what are you saying..?” I asked very confused.

“i..dont know exactly”

..awkward silence..haha…

“I need to talk to you about the dream I had when I had slept over here weeks ago-“ she started.

“before you finish I should warn you that there is a very good chance that my brothers are listening to everything that we are saying right now” I said.

So Adam and Leo didn’t know anything I silently pointed to the stairs indicating we should talk up there. We went up to my room and I closed the door.

“the dream..was about us. Like the worse possible thing that could happen if we were together”

“and what exactly happened that was bad?” I asked.

“like you changed, nobody would talk to us and we had the whole school upside down. And you thought of me as the stereotypical cheerleader”

I guess its time to not hide the obvious fact that I like her

“well I know for sure two of those things wouldn’t happen” I said and slightly smiled.

“what?” she said confused. As less of a question.

“I know I wouldn’t change and I know I wouldn’t ever think of you as a stereotypical cheerleader” I said quietly.

“really, then I guess you are the only one to think that” she mumbled.


“Adam what are you doing?!” Leo said to Adam

“we cant have Bree getting closer to our family. She could discover our secret” Adam whispered

“I know but Chase is already mad at us”- Leo started

“have you seen him! He’s more than mad. Maybe destroying their project will have Spike show up and she wont come back” Adam said.

“I understand your logic to that but then Spike would be here. Which is part of your bionic secret” Leo said but obviously whispering the ‘bionic’ part.

“maybe we have to take the chance. I’m hoping she’ll think he’s just weird and not want to come back” Adam said.

“think about it first. If anything goes wrong this is completely on you” Leo said.

“would I mess something as easy as this up?” Adam asked.

“yes” Leo said seriously. “but remember that if this goes wrong it could be ruining your family lives, including your own”

“jeez don’t be so dramatic. Have some faith in me” Adam said


“so we both like eachother. And based on how people may react, what should we do?” I asked.

“well maybe things wont be that bad” Bree brightens up

“if things go bad you can just blame it on me” I said. Just trying to be nice.

“why don’t we try to be friends and see how people react”


“think about what you are doing!” Leo said to Chase, well Spike

Adam had set off Spike by well being Adam does it.

“why are you going after me? Adam was the one who set you off!” Leo screams.

“this isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve seen” Bree laughs.

“you’re not afraid of this!” Leo yells running away from Spike.

“have you seen football players!” she laughs again.

“you’re taking this surprisingly well” Adam said suspiciously

“I already know Chase was hiding something from me but I didn’t want to push it by asking about it again” Bree explained.

*commando app disengaged*


“what just happened Leo!” this was exactly what I didn’t want to happen.

He then pointed behind me. For me to see Bree with questions and Adam happy?

“do you still like him now” Adam asked Bree

She didn’t say anything except walk out the door.

I ran past Leo and gave Adam a dirty look.

“bree” I said as I caught up to her and took her hand spinning her around to look at me.


I HAVE AN AMAZING IDEA BUT IM NOT AT THAT POINT OF THE STORY YET :'( its 2 am for me right now, but its updated!

 i hope this chapter was good enough... 

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