Chapter 21: Drunk or Want?

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Shoutout to Bubbles24love for giving me ideas for this


I was walking into the main teaching area looking for Chase since I knew he doesn't have any classes still because of me. I found him sitting at the counter where the students would sit, on a tablet.

I put my arms around his neck from behind and laid my head on his shoulder. I could tell he smiled, but when I stayed silent he said, "what's wrong?" He knew that if there wasn't anything wrong, that I would have said something, even if it just something as simple as 'hi'. He just knew that about me.

"I don't know if I'm just paranoid but," I started, "it's been awhile and we haven't heard anything from Marcus, and I just feel like something bad is going to happen and I won't be ready for it.. I shouldn't have come to the island.."

Chase turned around and lifted me up slightly and then sat me some on his lap, holding me. He just knows how to make me feel better, "it will be fine, I choose the abilities that you have so you will be able to protect yourself when the time comes-"

I sighed, "but Chase, I don't want to be a coward but when there's fighting and it's actually for your life, I'm probably going to get scared and I don't want to be a coward"

"Bree, you are not and will not be a coward. And know one really knows how they will handle a life threatening situation until it happens. And even if you didn't come to the island, it doesn't mean that you wouldn't be in danger. It still could have happened, but at least this way, even though it may sound selfish, I won't be stuck here worrying and thinking about you when I can see you here and that you are fine."

Eventually we stopped talking and just sat there together. It was nice, and I wasn't worried.

"Well this is very touching," we heard a voice say. Sounded like Marcus. We then immediately looked at the screen in the room and saw yet again, Marcus on the screen, "that could've been us you know.."

I couldn't handle the last thing he said, "Is this why you are doing this??" I snapped, "because I love Chase and not you?!". Chase held me tighter like he was afraid that I was going to get hurt, or because he knows what happened.

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself, this is about more than that" Marcus said, rolling his eyes. "And why would I be jealous of him?"

"What do you want?" Chase demanded. I could feel him growing angrier.

He laughed, "just checking up with you, seeing how you are doing"

Because of would he did to me, I wanted to shove it in his face. Because he obviously didn't like that I was with Chase and not him, he's crazy.

"Goodbye." We heard Mr. Davenport say from behind us, while shutting down the screen so Marcus couldn't make another appearance through it.

"Does he know that Bree is bionic now?" He worried. It would be better for us if he didn't know I was bionic.

"It didn't seem like it, he didn't show up until a while after we stopped talking about my bionics" I said, thinking about it. I feel like he would have had more of a reaction if he knew.

"Bree, I need you to tell me about Marcus.." Chase said. I looked at him. I hoped I heard that just in my head and not in reality but sadly he really did say that. I just can't tell him. I can't. I just would be embarrassed even though I shouldn't be.

"What about him?" I asked quietly, knowing the answer. 

"I know you don't want to talk about it," Chase said, slowly putting his hand on my cheek, moving my hair out of my face. He knew I was trying to hide in my hair. I'm just glad we were alone. 

~We were at a party, after we had won a football game. Everybody was there. I can't even remember whose house it was. Some people were dancing, some were drinking, there was people in the pool. 

Me, however, I wasn't drinking, and I wanted to stay low-key. I didn't want everyone's attention.  And someone at the party started smoking and the room just was disgusting. I couldn't stand it and when I inhaled too much of it and started coughing a bit, so I left the room. I didn't leave the party though, I was with a friend. 

But whoevers house it was had a dog, which I found in the other room. There were a couple people in there, but they were sleeping literally on the floor, or at least I would have liked to think they were just sleeping and that they didn't pass out. I sat on the nearby chair and was just petting the dog. It was better than the party to me. 

Thinking about it, it would have been better if I just stayed in the smoke filled room, as horrible as it was. This was when Marcus came into the room. I really didn't think anything like what was going to happen, would happen. I had nothing against the guy. I don't know if he was drunk or whatever, or if he liked me and really wanted me but he was being all suggestive but I wasn't having it. Other than the unconscious people in the room, we were alone. Unfortunately alone. 

He just wouldn't leave me alone and he was surprisingly strong. When there was a crash in the main room, probably the football players throwing around a vase or something, I didn't care. It distracted him and I was able to run away from him. I didn't want to leave my friend at the party without telling her I was leaving, I knew she would understand, but everything felt like it was happening so fast that I just ran out of the house and ran home before Marcus could register anything. I was scared and luckily I knew how to get home from there. 

I never told anyone about it, I just tried to forget it ever happened, but that is hard to do. ~

Chase didn't say anything, but he did look angry. I held his hands to calm him down. Thought it would be the other way around. 


I worked through the writers block and finished this so you wouldn't have to wait any longer. 

Maybe comment on this chapter? I could really use some positive comments. I won't be on at all tomorrow because of the surgery tomorrow though, I will be very sleepy for the whole day, at least that is what the doctor said. But when I'm back on, on friday, I would love to read some nice comments :) til next time.. love you all

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