Chapter 16: Shadow Trap

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Bree's pov

We were on the hydro loop for what felt to be about 30 seconds? Luckily this thing was quiet. But we are going to have a problem. We don't know how to get around this place and we can't accidently run into Mr. Davenport. That would be bad.

That's where Leo and I split off. Maybe not the best idea but too late for that. He already ran off in the other direction looking for Adam. Guess I should go the other way and look for Chase. It's late, they may be sleeping.

As Leo had gone to the left, I went straight through the door ahead. To my luck Mr. Davenport wasn't in there. But there was someone..

"Chase" I whispered, just enough for the person to hear. It was dark in here so I couldn't exactly see. But I felt like it was him. He turned around and it was. As he saw me he held a confused look, but then smiled.

"Bree?" He whispered, he knew it was me though.

I nodded and went over to him. I can't believe after so long I am seeing him again. He looks so different too.

"How?- what?-" was all he could say after a minute of us hugging.

"Leo snuck us onto the island" I said still smiling, not wanting to let go of him.

"Who knows you're here?" He asked quickly, pulling away, making sure we were still the only two in here.

"Leo, it was all his idea"

"Oh..kay you need to hide" Chase said, for the first time losing his smile since he saw me.

"Why?" I asked, while he softly grabbed my arm, letting his hand slide down my arm to my hand as he started walking me somewhere.

"Mr. Davenport doesn't know you're here," Chase said as he brought me into a room and locked the door.

"So?" I asked

"I don't want him to send you away again," he said looking away.

"I can explain everything but it may take a while.."

Then we laid down on his bed, ready for me to explain.

"First, me and Leo are friends now, he saw how I was whenever something about you came up, and I don't know how, but he knew where you guys were, so he snuck us passed the security officer when Tasha thought we were sleeping. We didn't really think this through, because Tasha is going to find out we aren't there and freak out. And my parents know about what's happening and I guess is okay with it? I haven't been able to talk to them at all" I explained, breathing out at the end feeling myself growing sleepy.

"Just go to sleep," Chase smiled, looking at me. I closed my eyes and felt him kiss my cheek. I could feel my face burning red.

"But what about Leo?" I asked sitting up.

"I'll go check on him, he's probably with Adam by now" he said, laying me back down softly.


I woke up to see Chase right next to me with his arm around me so my head was laying on it. I don't know if it's safe to assume that we are back together. I would hope so.

"All right, I know we are friends now, but I really don't need to see that" Leo said bursting in the room, with his hands covering his eyes, making me and Chase sit up fast.

"Leo, all we were doing was sleeping" I said laughing, we seriously were just laying there, simple as that.

"Leo, close the door" Chase instructed, jumping out of bed and rushing over to Leo and closing the door for him.

"Why?" Leo asked, obviously confused, but then again, so am I.

"I don't know if Mr. Davenport is here on the island right now and he doesn't know you two are here" He explained, brushing past Leo and sitting back down on the bed with me, "also, a lot of things have changed"

"How so?" Leo asked, walking closer us.

"There are more bionics, and they are here"

"More bionics?" I asked

"Where- how?" Leo asked

How could there be more bionics?

"I can't exactly answer that, it's Mr. Davenport's business. And that's not as important right now, Tasha will find out you two are missing and then Mr. Davenport will know and probably come to me and Adam about it. There isn't a way around this," Chase said running his fingers through his hair.

"We knew they were going to find out-" I started. 

"But I knew Bree needed to see you, Chase" Leo cut in, making Chase smile. 

"I think it would be the best if-" Chase was interrupted by Mr. Davenport bursting into the room. 

We all just awkwardly smiled at him. 

"Heyyy, Mr. Davenport" Leo chimed, the awkwardness clearly in his voice. 


"Tasha was freaking out when you two went missing, she thought something bad happened to you two!" Mr. Davenport shouted, rushing down the hall and stopped near the hydro loop. 

"Mr. Davenport, please do not send Bree away again" Chase begged, moving himself in front of me. 

"Chase, Leo and Bree need to go back-" 

We all looked at the monitor, a man, correction, a teenager, popping up on the screen, but with a mask on. 

"Thanks Leo, you made this almost too easy" He laughed, using a voice modifier. 

We all looked at Leo, "How do you know who I am?" Leo asked, just as confused as I am. 

"Oh, Leo, you don't remember me? I-" 

"You're wearing a mask and using a voice modifier, how do you think I'm supposed to know who you are??" Leo said like it was the most obvious thing ever. But he had a point. 

The guy moved his head and what I could guess rolled his eyes. 

"I  am the person you hated the most, at Mission Creek High" 


ooooo, comment what you think will happen next :D 

Can we get this story to 400 votes? It has 394 right now. 

Also one last thing, A lot of people want me to publish Locked In With Him, and I'm trying to. But I am making the first chapter twice as long as I usually would because a quarter of it is repetitive of the prologue. Also, that story is meant to be a short story so I hope I don't get carried away with it xD 

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