Chapter 24: The Desert

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No ones pov

It had been a week and you'd think that everything was finally over. Almost, but not yet. Marcus isn't a threat anymore. His bionics had been destroyed and when he was unconscious, it's funny, now he can't get near any other bionics without getting a headache. So if he tried to go anywhere near them he wouldn't be able to stand it, and wouldn't be able to fight so Marcus himself isn't a threat. Others could be, but one problem at a time.  

All Chase knew was that he needed to find Bree. All he knew was she could literally be anywhere in the world. 

"It's over. " Leo said, being able to relax. He didn't know about Bree. 

"It's not over, " Chase said, sitting down with his face in his hands. "What do you mean?" Leo replied. Chase looked up but couldn't get the words out, which is very unusual for him. 

He glanced over at Adam, who sighed and sat down next to Chase before speaking for him, "Bree's gone-", "-What do you mean Bree's gone? What happened to her?" Leo freaked. He had grown to care about Bree, it was sweet really. 

"She's fine, I think," Adam started, "she ran away, she wasn't ready to fight yet so Chase told her to run.", "Well we need to find her!" Leo, practically shouted. 

"We'll just check her GPS signal," Mr Davenport said, coming into the room with his computer. 

"She's smart, she most likely turned it off so Marcus couldn't find her if he found out about her bionics," Chase said, finally speaking again on the situation. It was hard for him, "she could be anywhere"

They all saw Mr Davenport typing away on his computer, until he looked up, "He's right, she turned it off. Her last coordinates are- wait, she must have turned it back on but only for a second. As of yesterday morning, her last coordinates were in Kansas."

"So how do we find her?" Leo asked. 

"Since she used her GPS once, maybe she'll do it again. We can record a message, and hope she sees it. I have locations along the country and I'll check in and they will be on the look out. But for what we can do together, we will be doing some traveling, " Mr Davenport explained and pulled out his phone, "But some will have to stay here, for the students and if Bree actually shows up at the academy for some reason"

"I'll stay," Adam volunteered, putting his arm around Chase's shoulders, "you can trust me"

"Okay so I will inform Tasha about all of this so she can come and stay with Adam, and Leo, are you coming or staying with Adam?" Mr Davenport asked, turning to Leo. "I'll stay and help Adam"


Bree had been all over the country in the past week, she was tired but oddly clean, sneaking into community pools in the bathroom where they have showers. But she has been wearing the same clothes and felt gross. She wanted to come home. She needed to know how things were doing back at the academy. It had been a week, she figured it couldn't have been good. 

So Bree decided to slowly make her way back toward California, not to just come home. But to come close and maybe see if she could find any information. She was in Kansas at the moment and thought about it and since she was about to leave there she turned her GPS on for a second and then turned it off, so if everything was okay and they tried to see where she was, they would at least know that she was okay. Then she was off. 

A few days later she was in New Mexico and she knew she was near the border of NM and Arizona but she couldn't run anymore. The heat and the exhaustion was getting to her, so until the sun started to go down, she had to walk, through the desert..

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