Chapter 7: Biggest Risk? or Nothing At All

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"what?" she asked.

God I hoped this wouldn't happen. But here we are.

"i-i" I stuttered.

She just looked at me.

"my secret.." I whispered and my eyes started tearing up. I never thought I would be the one who told someone.

"Chase?" she said softly as she took me in her arms for a soft caring hug. Didn't see that coming.

"how are you so understanding?" I asked quietly. Luckily I never actually started crying, im better than that.

"because of the short time that I have known you, I care about you" she said simply "but, we cant be keeping secrets"

"I don't want to" I breathed "but I don't want to lie to you either"

"then tell me" Bree said trying to keep me looking at her "its not like it's the end of the world"

"chance it might be" I mumbled

"I'm bionic" I whispered so quietly I could barely hear it with my bionics. I had to choose, was she worth it.
"What?" She said
"You're worth it" I thought
"im..bionic" I said a little bit louder but still in a whisper.

"you're what?" she said

"different" i sighed

"and what is that exactly" Bree said.

"bionic superhuman..there is this chip in my neck..that gives me abilities to do things that normal humans can't do.." i explained quietly "and Adam is bionic too"

"oh, well that explains everything" she said awkwardly.

"now you know, you can go and pretend you don't know me" i said as i looked down at the ground and started to walk away.

"and why would i do that" Bree said as she caught up to me and grabbed my hand slightly spinning me around.

"because you're not bionic"


"why dont we go back inside and we can talk about since we have a project to redo" she smiled.

what is happening? shouldnt she have ran away or something by now? well to think about it this hasnt happened before but still. what are you suppsed to think would happen? she really is different.

Bree let go of my hand and walked ahead back to the house. I walked in behind her so we could pick up the pieces of the project that I destroyed. Adam is going to have to do a lot if he wants to make this up to me. For crying out loud he tried to kill any chance I had with the girl I like and doing that he could have uncovered our secret..which I did. but hopefully I chose the right choice and that I can trust her. I could be risking everything by doing this. But I could also be making the best decision. well that last thing is getting ahead of myself.
we walked back in Adam and Leo were playing video games on the couch with the mess still on the floor around them.

"what are you still doing here Bree?!" Adam said not trying to shout.

"what are you talking about?" Bree said confused.

'nice acting skills Bree!' I thought. If Mr Davenport finds out that I told somebody he will freak out. I mean he just let us out of the lab less than a month ago.
"I just explained to her what happened" i said simply.

"you what?!" Leo yelled.

"I just said how sometimes you guys make me mad so much that i just lose control. it happens all the time, remember" I lied. well it wasnt really lying at all. just that the Bree doesn't know thing.

"oh um yeah-" Adam and Leo said at the same time.

"And we came back to clean up the mess that you guys made me make"

"Hey that was Adam I had nothing to do with-" Leo started before I narrowed my eyes at him
"-I mean yeah me and Adam" Leo said clearing his throat.
Bree and I finished cleaning up the mess and we went upstairs to redo it without the distractions from my brothers.
"So what was that when you lost control?" Bree asked while we put the structure back together of the project.
"That is called Spike. I have no control of what I do and I don't remember what happens. It's like having a evil twin the same body. He comes out when I get too angry" I explained the easiest I could.
"Well it seems like Adam doesn't like me around" she said sadly "I understand now why he doesn't want me around"
"It's not like he doesn't want you around but he doesn't like it that you wanted to hang out with me and not him. And the secret thing" I said scratching my the back of my head. "He thinks that I'm only a nerd"
"Ok this doesn't say 'nerd' to me" she said grabbing my arm referring to my muscles while blushing a little bit.
Adam thinks I don't just because I'm not as strong as him. But it's his bionics that do all the work for him.
"So what abilities do you and Adam have?" She asked
"I'm the smartest human alive, I have a force field, and I have molecularkinesis" I explained.
"Molecularkinesis?" She asked "what's that?"
"I can move things with my mind" 

"can you show me" she asked. 

"sure" i said "but i have a question first" 

"what is it?" she asked. 

"why arent you freaked out by this? you act like this is so casual" i said. nobody can be this casual about this. 

"im not freaked out. but i would be lying if i said it wasnt weird. this is anything but casual, Chase im just not scared ok" she smiled "i find this interesting" 

"really?" i asked. 

"yes really. and werent you going to show me something" she laughed. 

I laughed before I pointed my focus and my hand Bree's phone to make it float in the air above her. but the funniest part was watching her stand up and try to grab it. 

"did you have to use my phone as a demonstration?" Bree laughed.


well heres an update. i actually enjoyed writing this. I did part of it after i took a quiz in math XD i just pulled out my ipad and kept writing :P

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