Chapter 9: She's Going Down..Caitlyn not Bree!

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"But I guess I could talk to Chase about if Adam has ever mentioned you before?" I said almost like a question.

"Thanks Bree, you really are a great friend" Danielle smiled.

"Speaking of..sort of, do you know why Caitlyn pretty much hates me?" I asked turning my head back to the cafeteria. I saw Chase sitting with his brothers but not talking to them. It's a start I guess.

"You don't know? I think it's because she likes Chase" Danielle wondered aloud.

"Wait, what?" I said as fast as I could without meaning to.

"I over heard her mumbling to herself. Apparently she thinks that you date all of her crushes to get back at her" Danielle then rolled her eyes. It's really great to have a real friend.

"Get back at her for what?! Okay I don't know what has happened. Caitlyn and I used to be friends and I don't even know what happened, ugh" I groaned.

"I don't know, I used to be friends with her too, but it was before you came to this school" Danielle said confused.

"Well at this point it doesn't really matter, he doesn't like her and she is going to have to deal with it. All I did was be nice to him, and there is nothing wrong with that" I said honestly "she was the one just being mean, so it's no surprise he would rather be friends with me"

"Hey, would it be wrong if I wanted to try to get Caitlyn kicked off the team?" Danielle said with a smirk.

"Not at all, and I heard that Adam is good at pranks" I smiled "I'll see what I can do"

Danielle smiled and walked back into the cafeteria and I followed her but stopped myself when I got to the doorway. I saw Chase and I tried to silently get his attention without being noticed by anyone. When that didn't work Adam looked over in my direction and saw me. Finally. I then pointed at Chase and mouthed 'get Chase'. He rolled his eyes and looked back to his food awkwardly sitting there like he never even saw me. Leo then looked at me and then back away.

"Looks like your little girlfriend wants to talk to you Chase" Leo said looking at me in the corner of his eyes.

"But it too embarrassed to even come near us" Adam spitted out.

"What are you talking about, she's not my girlfriend" Chase said.

"But you didn't deny that she's embarrassed by us" Adam tried to point out.

"She is NOT embarrassed. She doesn't have to be my friend. She chose to be my friend. Now just shut up!" Chase said abruptly and stood up and started to walk out of the cafeteria.

"What's wrong?" Chase asked

"Nothing but there are two things I need to talk to you about, one being I need to get Caitlyn kicked off the team and second being that I have a friend who likes Adam"


I nodded

"Before hell happened Adam would talk about her around me, but mostly to Leo. And what about Caitlyn?" He said.

"Well Danielle thought of the idea of getting her kicked off the team and I back her up completely on that idea" I laughed.

"Where do I fit it with that?" Chase said looking at me confused.

"Well I thought that you would be able to help me get her kicked off the team" I explained.

...(the next day)

"I'll see you at practice, Bree" Danielle said cheerfully as she walked to her next class.

"Wait, we had practice today?" I thought.

We hadn't come up with something to do for getting Caitlyn kicked off the team yet but hopefully we would think of something soon. Or at least before our next school game.


School had just ended and I walked up to my locker to put things away so I could get ready for practice.

"Hey Bree" I heard as I turned around, it was Chase.

"oh hey" I fake smiled. I'm obviously happy to see him but today hasn't been the best of day ever.

"Do you want me to walk you home today?" He asked.

"Sorry but I have practice today, I will be here for another hour" I sighed and I then looked through my bag for my uniform.

And great, it's not here. What else could go wrong today? First with almost being late to school today, second with a pop quiz in history, third with not being able to have lunch today(don't ask), and fourth with now not having my uniform for practice. Today is not my day.


Practice has been going on for about 20 minutes and we were practicing our pyramid. I was on the top and Danielle and Caitlyn were both under me holding my feet. I suddenly found myself off balance (my left foot to be specific) and then BOOM! I was on the ground holding my arm in pain! I don't know how I fell but-

"Bree!" I heard someone yell. I couldn't make out who said it, being too focused on my arm.

Everyone rushed over to where I was to see


Oh my god are you okay!

Everything people were saying was kind of blurred but the one thing I did notice was Caitlyn in the corner slightly smiling to herself. I should have known!

call 911 somebody!

The next thing I knew was that I was in the hospital with even more people questioning me.

All I wanted was for this to be over..

"You were in surgery, do you not remember?" Danielle asked

"No.." I said as I turned my head and saw the window, "What time is it?"

"5:23, I called your parents for you, they are coming as soon as they can" She explained.

"You stayed with me this whole time?" I asked

"Yeah, I couldn't just leave you alone" Danielle smiled.

My smiled slowly faded as Chase came to my mind, "Where is my phone?!"

"I grabbed it before Caitlyn could do anything with it, why?" Danielle said as she handed me my phone.

"I need to text Chase"

"The doctor said that you need to rest, I will text him for you" she said grabbing my phone

Bree(Danielle typing): Chase it's Danielle, I don't want you to worry but-well just come down to the hospital. It will be easier to explain then


Chase: Danielle what happened?? Is Bree okay?!

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