Chapter 14: What is Love

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I opened the front door and walked up the stairs toward my room and I saw my mom coming out of hers towards me.

"I know I know, but Chase needed me" I said tired, I just want to go to sleep.

"Just explain to me what happened, your father and I will understand" she said calmly.

"I. It. It's hard to explain but.. Chase got hurt and I had to be there" I said awkwardly, they couldn't know he was bionic.

"Alright, but you have to let one of us know where you are if you are going to be home late.. Goodnight" she said and turned around.

"Wait, mom" I said reaching out for her.

"Yeah" she said facing me again.

"What does love feel like?" I whispered.

"Bree, where is this coming from?" She asked.

"Chase doesn't know that I know that he loves me" I scrambled together.

"Wait, what?" She said confused.

"Chase loves me but he doesn't know that I found out" I said carefully.

"How does he not know?" She asked. It is a valid question.

"He wrote a math problem on my cast and my math teacher worked it out for me and the answer was 'I <3 U', but I never told him that I knew the answer" I explained softly. Even in the dark I could see her smile a little bit.

"Well, I think you know the answer.."

"..What?" I said. The conversation moved slightly.

"I think you love him"


The next morning I got up and got ready for the day. This time not forgetting my uniform. I may not be able to cheer but I still have to be there. It may be easier to just wear it to school, but I already got dressed and it's hard to put on jeans with one hand.

I left for school early completely expecting Chase to miss today because of last night. But I saw him near his own locker. He shouldn't be here!

"What are you doing here!" I said rushing over to him.

"I came so you wouldn't be worried about me" He said and had to hold on to the lockers half way through.

"Chase, you have to go home" I pleaded. I grabbed his phone out of his pocket and called Adam.


"Adam, it's Bree-"

"I don't have time for this" he said about to hang up

"Wait, no Adam!"

Too late, he hung up. Great.

"Come on Chase" I said putting his arm over my shoulder, putting my good arm around his waist, holding him in place and walking him out of the school. Great, by the time I get back to school I am going to be late.

When we got to his front door I let go of his waist for a second to open the door and quickly put my hand back and walked us in and closing the door with my foot.

Mr Davenport rushed from the kitchen over to us.

"Chase, you are supposed to be in the lab!"

"He showed up at school so I rushed him back here. I called Adam from his phone but once he knew it was me he hung up" I explained while Mr Davenport helped me set him on the couch.

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