Chapter 15: Tracked

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Bree's pov

"I'm only doing this so nothing can get traced back to you" Chase explained. I nodded in response.

"Chase.." I started.

"Yeah" He said quietly.

"I love you too.."

He gave me a pained look on his face and then Tasha rushed me and Leo away.  And not a moment too soon, we could faintly hear noise upstairs.

"Hey, um, Bree, are you okay?" Leo asked awkwardly.

I wasn't crying but you could see it in my eyes.

"I'll be fine" I said quietly.

"Look, I'm sorry, I should have let myself accept the fact that you were different than the rest" he said

All I could give was a small smile. Nothing else.

I wish I knew who took the video.

"Hey Tasha, where are we?" I asked.

"Well it's not in Mission Creek" she stated.

"How long are we staying here?" Leo asked for me, after seeing how I looked

"I truly don't know, but long enough" she sighed.

"Well how am I supposed to explain this to my parents? They watch the news, they know Chase. How are they going to feel about him being bionic and now I'm in hiding because of it?" I worried, Tasha put her arm around me to comfort me and also to calm me down.

"Who could have taken the video?" Leo wondered aloud.

"I have no idea.."


Chase's pov

It hurt more than anything and everything to hear that she loved me and then taken away from me.

Mr. Davenport apparently had an island built and is spending tons of money to have it invisible from above. All I know is that it's somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. But he chose to not tell Adam that for obvious reasons.

The island was for bionics. But there is only two bionics and there is enough room for a few dozen bionics.

"Why is there so much room just for us?" I asked Mr. Davenport as he finished showing us our training room.

"It's because it isn't just for you and Adam.." He said knowing he would have to tell us.

"Who else is there?" I asked while Adam was trying to count us three on his fingers. And he was struggling as it was.

"You remember me mentioning Douglas?" He asked

Adam and I nodded.

"Well, he created more bionics than just you two. Well, he created enough to be an army but then there was an accident and those bionics went looking for another Davenport and found me" Mr. Davenport explained worried about how we would react.

More bionics?

"Then where are they?" Adam asked

"They have the ability to geo-leap but I went into their chips so only I could control it. The reason you are here and so out in the open is because while I was gone I got a video of them using bionics to save people and I was going to use my high connections to get the public to be okay with bionics. But until then.. You two have to stay on the island" -

"Geo-leap?!" I shouted, "Can you get us that ability?"

"I still have to figure out that technology, my brother was the one who did it. But now that I have chips that have it, I can figure it out a lot faster" Mr Davenport finished.

Bree's pov

"So, Bree, do you want to play video games?" Leo asked hopefully. I'm glad he doesn't hate me anymore.

I looked at him for a few seconds before saying, "Sure" softly.

"Really?" He said in disbelief, "I didn't expect you to want to"

"Whatever keeps my mind off of what's happened.." 


"Tasha, when can we see Chase?" I asked sadly, hoping the answer wouldn't be in forever. 

"Bree.." She said sitting down with me, "I know how you feel right now" 

"When did my life become so complicated?" I mumbled. 

"A little after mine did.." Tasha said referring to when she and Donald got married. 

"I just can't help but think of what happens if this doesn't work out. I finally let someone back into my life and now this happens.." At this point I'm almost crying. 


"Bree, I was thinking. I know that we aren't supposed to do this, but I know where Adam and Chase are.." Leo said looking around to make sure Tasha wasn't around. 

That immediately got my attention. 

"What, how?" I said, feeling my voice get stuck in my throat. 

"Let's just say that Mr. Davenport isn't as smart as he thinks" Leo smirked. 

We had been stuck at this safe house for about a month, once it was safe, Tasha got in contact with my parents to tell them that I am safe. I don't know exactly how that went. I got my cast off around a week ago and now I can see Chase again! 

Once it was dark and Leo and I would be 'asleep', he snuck me out of the safe house and near the beach. There is this private part, but at night no one is there. 

"Leo, does any of them know that we are coming?" I whispered slightly getting nervous, and for two reasons. 

"Um, no, not really" He said looking away, at the security officer outside of what Leo has called a 'hydro loop'. 

"Ok, well it doesn't really seem like we are supposed to be here" I whispered. 

"Don't worry, all we have to do is get past that officer" He said like it was nothing. 

"I don't know about this Leo, what if we get caught?" I shook my head. I want to see Chase and all..

"Look, do you want to see Chase or not?" Leo asked, "we are already this close" 

I nodded this time. But only because we are already this close, there would be no point getting this far just to quit now. 

"Alright, now let me distract him, then follow me" He instructed. 

I nodded and Leo found a rock on the ground and held it in his hands. We walked around until we made a semi-circle and he got into a position where he could throw it and we could sneak past him. Leo threw the rock in the air in the direction ahead of the officer, with him distracted, it gave us enough time to sneak onto the hydro loop. 

"Nice" I whispered as the doors of the hydro loop closed. 

No one's pov

"Interesting.." The 'shadow' moved, "Bree is the key to this plan now"...


WOOOOOOOOOO nobody would have guessed that ending! I didn't even think it until yesterday or something. I'll try to keep this short, but this may be my only update for the month. I'm leaving for Spring Break on the 24th. I guess my whole laptop situation is taken care of now but I do still have school to deal with. So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you think :) I'm going to go start my essay for American History that is due tomorrow xD 

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