Chapter 3: He likes..who?

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Chase's pov

Once Adam yelled Leo ran into the room

"Bree?! What are you doing here?" Leo worried

"I walked Chase home" Bree said simply

"what's your game?" Leo asked

"there's no game" Bree said

"..Chase. Can I talk to you for a minute" Leo asked me

I went with Leo to the side. Well more like dragged.

"what!?" I whispered

"she's a cheerleader. You met her today. You're not popular. What is she trying to do?" Leo asked after counting up the facts

"is it that hard to believe that I have a friend" I whispered harshly


"why cant you just be happy for me!" I whispered

"where's Mr Davenport?" I asked quietly

"I don't know"

I walked back to Bree ignoring Leo and Adam's snappy remarks and we went upstairs to my room

"do you have any homework?" I asked

"uh yea, im stuck on math" Bree replied.

Bree's pov

For the past 20 minutes Chase has been helping me with my math homework. I'm not stupid, I just don't understand the unit we are currently working on. He is really good at math, well he is just really smart in general. It's not just smart, he's getting this way too fast, suspiciously fast.

"how are you getting this so fast?" I asked

"I'm just really good at math" Chase possible lied.

"ok, well thank you for helping me finish my homework" I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

"uh-you're welcome" he blushed like crazy

"Umm Chase, where is the bathroom?" I asked

"I have one in here, it's right around the corner" Chase directed

I set my work down on his bed since that was where we were sitting and walked over to his bathroom. I didn't really have to go, I just wanted to think, I knew this excuse would give me at least 5 minutes. Why do I like him? Liking him wouldn't work. We would never hear the end of it. I can't just quit cheerleading and everything would work. I wish it was that simple. It's not like he likes me. If I just push away the feelings I should be fine. I should push away the feelings right? He's the one hiding things from me, not the other way around. I can just be his friend and nothing more, if only I could convince myself of that. I was about to go back before he started to worry but I heard Leo talking to Chase and I heard my name so I stopped near the door just out of sight.

Chase's pov

I helped her with her homework until we finished and then all of a sudden she kissed my cheek while thanking me for helping her. I feel bad, I have to hide my whole life from her, I don't want to lie to her, but I know i can't tell her the truth. At least she's not pushing it. When she went to the bathroom Leo came barging into the room.

"What are you doing here" i asked warily

"I figured it out" Leo said

"Figured what out"

"Why she wants to hang out with you" he said

"And that is" I urged him to continue.

"She's just using you, probably for homework" Leo stated.

"She is not using me. And I happen to know that she is very smart"

Leo just rolled his eyes not believing a single word.

"Please Leo, I really like her. Can you just let this go. Everything is going great so far" I said

"Fine, but remember what I said" Leo said walking out

"Not likely" I mumbled.

Bree's pov

he likes me? no, i had to have had heard that wrong. its better if he doesnt anyway. not for me, its better for everybody but us. including us in a small way. did he just say i was smart? OMG why did i just mentally smile. Leo thinks im using him? i know im popular but i would never use Chase. is that really what people think of me? . i calmy walked out of his bathroom and back to him and once he saw me his eyes widened.

"did you hear any of that" he worried.

"hear any of what?" i lied.

"oh nothing" he stumbled.

maybe if i get him to get a better haircut it might work-SNAP OUT OF IT! what is wrong with me! besides changing him is not a good option. you cant just change someone, i dont want to change him. i cant and wont do that for my own personal benefits. UGH

"bree" he waved his hand in front of me

"huh. what?" i have been spacing out for that long?

"everything alright?" he asked.

" just thinking" i sighed and layed back to stare at the ceiling.

"about stuff.." i said

"well thats specific" he laughed. then i laughed with him and playfully hit him on the arm.

why. is. he. doing. this. to. me.

i have never had this problem before. mostly because all the guys at school are fakes. except Chase, and his brothers i think. not so sure about his brothers.

"hmm so now what?" i asked, breaking the awkward yet comfortable silence.

"i dont know"


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