Chapter 10: First Kiss??!!

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"It's getting late so I'll have to go soon but I won't leave until Chase gets here" Danielle said giving me back my phone.

"Thank you Danielle" I smiled, "When do you think I can leave?"

"Probably tomorrow, they still have to put the real cast on your arm. They only put a temporary one on to see how your body reacts to the surgery" she explained.

*Chase's pov*

Bree has to be okay, what the heck even happened? I can't let it happen again, I know that. I have to get to the hospital now. I grabbed my phone and toward to the door-

"Chase, where are you going?" Tasha asked me

"My-friend Bree is in the hospital, I have to see if she's all right!" I said opening the door and leaving hearing "okay..?"


*Back to Bree's pov*

Danielle left a few minutes and ago and I heard the door knob turn and still in that very second Chase came in and rushed to my side.

"Bree what happened?" Chase asked quickly.

"I don't exactly know, I was on top of the pyramid and then I fell off and landed on my arm" I explained, "all I know is that Caitlyn did it"

"She what?!" Chase shouted as quietly as he could.

"Relax Chase, I'm fine. I just have a broken arm"

"How am I supposed to relax Bree?"-

I interrupted Chase the only way I could in that moment since he wouldn't listen to me. I grabbed Chase by the front of his shirt with my right hand, the one that is not in pain, and pulled his face as close to mine still being able to look him in the eyes without crossing my eyes and-

-the doctor came and said "I'm here to check on your arm and to wrap it in a cast" and looked up from his clipboard. By then we had separated.

"thank you doctor" I said


"Okay so your arm reacted just like we thought it would to the surgery which is great so you will be out of here in the morning. We will give you more details when your parents get here" the doctor explained

"thank you, I feel a lot better" I smiled. 

"Do you have a sharpie, doctor?" Chase asked

"Um, yes I do, here" the doctor said handing Chase the sharpie.

"Why do you need a sharpie?" I asked.

"To write on your cast duh" Chase said like it was the most obvious thing ever, in a way it was.

He wrote some really complicated looking math problem and didn't sign his name. what?

"Chase, what does this mean?" I asked

"It's important to me, but I'm not just going to tell you, I want you to solve the problem" he smiled

"Chase, this is going to take me weeks to solve" I complained.

"I know you will be able to find a way to do it"


"Where the heck is Chase?" Mr Davenport said to Adam and Leo

"Why would we know, we aren't on speaking terms" Leo said

"Oohh he is so grounded"- Mr Davenport started.

"Don't punish him, Donald. I gave him permission to be out, his friend is in the hospital" Tasha stated

"Wait, which friend?" Leo asked.

"Bree!" Adam said aloud.

"How does she still like him?" Leo wondered.

"Wait, a girl likes Chase and you tried to make her not?!" Tasha shouted and Adam snorted of laughter "No video games for a week! Including you Adam"

"What that's not fair!"


"Chase, you out of everyone should know this is going to be impossible for me to solve" I said referring to when he helped me with my math homework o so long ago.

-Chase was about to say something I think when both my parents rushed in through the door

"Bree we are so sorry we couldn't get here until now!"

"It's fine" I said, "I had Danielle and Chase to keep me company"

"Well I should probably be going now. Since I didn't exactly tell my dad that I left" Chase said as he stood up scratching his head.

"okay, well I'll text you how things go" I said holding up my phone, he nodded and left while smiling.

My parents are probably wondering why we aren't dating.

"Tell me again why you guys aren't dating?" My mom asked

"I don't get it, you guys both like each other and he seems to be very nice" My dad added

"Because, we aren't ready to break the schools social statuses" I explained once again

"Who cares about how other people react, if people like you for you then they won't care"

Well they have a point. I guess that now we have been just friends for a while we haven't gotten the timing right, right?

If this is how they feel about him, and us, then maybe they will still feel the same way about him being different, being bionic. That is a talk for a completely different day, if that day even comes..

"Anyway, the doctor said that I should be out of here by tomorrow morning and that he would give us more information when you guys got here, which makes sense" I said


"What time can we leave?" I asked eagerly

"Anytime you want tomorrow, but your father and I were thinking that we could bring you out for breakfast tomorrow and then we could bring you to school afterwards" my mom said looking at my cast

Shouldn't they give me a sling too?? It would ease the pain..

"Can we get a sling too? It hurts too much to hold my arm like this" I asked looking at my cast also.

"Yeah we can ask about that, they probably forgot" my dad said standing up.

He left the room to look for the doctor while my mom stayed and sat closer to me.

"So, what is going on between you and Chase?" My mom asked sheepishly.


I finished this during a sort of fire drill during second period. I think someone pulled the alarm, I still don't know exactly.
1001 word count (according to my phone) not including this authors note :)
I'll post it on once I get home since I'm on the bus :D

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