Chapter 5: She Really Does

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I was walking around school and whenever I would walk by anybody I just heard such means things toward me. Any eye contact I would get would be people rolling their eyes and disgusted looks. Like everybody liked me yesterday and everyone hates me today. What could have even happened. Is their a rumor? What could I have done?- oh wait- over the weekend was when me and Chase got together. This is what I was afraid would happen. I guess he was too low on the chain to be bumped up. Which only means that I get bumped down, but how low could I get? As I kept walking I ran into Chase, he had different hair too. What?

When we were out of sight he brought me into a hug.

“your hair?” I said. Im way too confused right now.

“what about it” he asked.

“why did you change it?” I frowned.

“for you, I thought it may help” he said.

“you know I like you but you don’t need to change for me..the whole school is upside down, maybe this was a mistake” I sighed. This is what I was afraid would happen, nothing good was gonna happen anyway.

“but I don’t think you do. You’re just like any other cheerleader..i knew it was too good to be true” he mumbled at the end. He turned on his heel leaving me alone.

No point of saying anything now. He already thinks of me now of the stereotypical cheerleader everybody else already thinks of me. Can this just go away now, the universe got what it wanted. There are just some things that aren’t possible.

I kept walking, maybe I could talk to Danielle or something. When I found her she saw me and walked away in the opposite direction. She had to the same problem as me a few days ago, what is happening!

Everyone in school has turned on me. Adam and Leo blamed me saying I was trying to change him. All students cornering me where I had no where else to go..

I forced myself out of my horrible dream sitting up, breathing heavily. Is that what would really happen? If so I need to get over this now. Nothing can happen and nothing will. I turned so I had my feet on the floor, I looked to the side to see that it said 3:22 AM on Chase’s alarm clock next to his bed. Which brought my view to his bed where he was sleeping so not peacefully? Why wouldn’t he be sleeping peacefully. What could possibly be on his mind right now to disrupt his dreams?

I put my head in my hands with my elbows resting on my knees. How could I have let this happen to me. I just had to be the nice cheerleader didn’t i. im just surprised I didn’t wake him. How am I supposed to get back to sleep now?!

Chase’s pov

I don’t know what was happening in my life right now, its all so confusing. Bree is my girlfriend, I got a new hair style, but everyone is treating us differently. Even Adam and Leo, it seems like they are worried about me, but worried about what? Well I know why Leo is, he wont stop it about how Bree is up to something. But Adam? I don’t even know. Well it is Adam, who knows, it could be about donuts or he could have gotten something stuck in his nose again. I walked into school and it seemed different, like everything was slow and quiet and all you could hear was every other person voice. It was like a blur. Like a dream, or a movie.

Walking down the hallway trying to listen to only myself. Its hard with my bionic hearing, I cant focus on anything but the voices, it feels like its in my head. Convincing me of its words. Bree ran into me and said something about my hair. My brain didn’t think of it, just the words that found its way into my mind. That now I thought of her as a mean cheerleader, and that this was too good to be true. Ever.

As I woke up I saw that Bree was awake and had her head in her hands, but what what I really noticed was that she was breathing deeply, like she had a nightmare. I quietly got out of bed and made my way over to Bree. I sat down next to her thinking of what to say..

“Bree?” I asked.

“what” Bree mumbled.

“are you okay” I asked.

“uh yeah, thanks for the concern, sorry to wake you” she sat up

“you didn’t wake me up” I said

“then what did?” she asked.

“nothing, I just had a bad dream”

…(about 2 weeks later)(at lunch)

Adam’s pov

“Adam what are you doing?” Chase asked

“im doing my selfie face. Bree has been checking me out all of lunch” I said

“I highly doubt that” Chase shook him head.

“why—wait here she comes” I stood up when she got over here.

“hey Bree I see you have been looking at me-“ I started.

“actually I was looking at Chase” She then turned around to look at Chase.

Bree’s pov

“bree where are you going?” Caitlyn asked

“to talk to Chase about our science project” I said as I walked over to the table that Adam, Leo, and Chase were at. Im guessing Caitlyn didn’t say anything else because she assumed that im using him for a better grade. Works for me if she stops yelling at me for talking to him. I was staring at him for a while..

What? It doesn’t mean I cant be friends with him.

“hey Bree I see you have been looking at me“ Adam started

“actually I was looking at Chase” I turned to face Chase. “hey Chase I wanted to talk to you about our science project”

“sure ill do it for you”

Chase’s pov

“sure ill do it for you” I said as I grabbed my water.

“no, I wanted to do the project with you” Bree said.

Once I heard that I almost chocked on my water.


“Chase, this is when you speak” Leo said.

“uh that sounds great um, meet at my house after school?”

“sounds good” Bree smiled and walked off.


i hate that i havent been updating. there are no words that can explain how sorry i am. im just dissapointed in myself.. 

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