Chapter 4: Prude?

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        Dylan's POV:

        'I love you, Dyl.'

        'I love you too, Raven.'

        'You're my life.'

        'Then be with me. Let's get married.'

        'Dyl, we're 17.'

        'Alright, we can wait until we're 18. It's fine. I can wait. You know I can wait forever.'

        I woke up. I buried my face in my hands. She lied. She LIED.

        "Hey, Dyl. How are you?" my mom asks.

        "Mom, it's Dylan. Not DYL," I said.

        "Right, sorry." she said taking the eggs out of the pan.

        "Um.. mom, what are you doing here?" I ask her sitting down.

        "You gave me keys, remember?"

        "Yeah.. but what-"

        "Can't I see my son?" she asks setting the eggs on the plate infront me of.

        "Right.. sorry mom.." I picked up a spoon and started eating. "Where's dad? He didn't come with you?"

        "No, actually. He has work," she replied sitting down.

        "Yeah.. he's a lawyer. He's always busy."

        "But know that he loves you very much."

        "Yeah right." I mumbled.

        "So," mom said. "How's college?"

        "Oh.. you know.. the usual.."

        "Bring a girl home and have sex with her?" mom asks taking a sip of her coffee.

        "Yup." I said.

        "You gotta stop, Dylan. Stop with this habit. It's DISGUSTING."

        "Well, I'm sorry mom."

        "Become a better person," she said.

        "I am a BETTER person," I told her. "Besides, I've been taking notes."

        "Oh really, huh?" she asks.

        I nodded. "Yes."

        Marina's POV:

        "You got this in the bag," Helen said.

        "What?" I ask. "No!"

        "Yes you do! You got an advantage! He likes you. He's comfortable talking to you. He told you about his last REAL love/lover."

        "Yeah.. but I'm not really comfortable talking to him. AND telling him about my last love/lover, Helen. You remembered Rexton," I said.

        "Oh yeah! Rex the sex god. Oh my god, gotta love him," she teased.

        "Ew! Just.. stop, Helena. I should've known."

        "Well yeah. He pressured you to have sex with him."        

        "And I of course said no. We were 16!"

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