Chapter 13: Tracking fail

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        "Let me call her atleast," I said to my dad.

        "Dylan!" he yelled. "They can track your phone!"

        "She isn't gonna give me in! She doesn't even know about this!"

        "Alright," he said. "5 minutes."

        He walked out.

        I picked up the phone on the table and dialed Marina's number.

        Marina's POV:

        My phone rang. I picked it up. It was an unknown caller. Hm..

        "Hello?" I answered.

        "Hello? Marina!" it was a familiar voice..

        "Dylan!" I said, excitedly. "Where.. where are you?"

        "I.. I'm on a business trip!" he said.

        Business trip?

        "Uh.. okay.. how are you? How come you didn't tell me? It's almost been 4 months since you left."

        "I'm good. I'm sorry. It was unexpected. I got the call way before you woke up.."

        "How come you didn't leave a note or call me?" I ask.

        "Uh.. no service.. I mean, I didn't have time.." he sounded suspicious.

        "Ahh.. okay. But where are you?"

        "I'm-" the line got cut off.

        "Dylan?" I said.

        Dylan's POV:

        "5 minutes is up," dad said.

        "How long am I gonna be here?" I ask.

        "I don't know. We'll see..."

        Marina's POV:

        I woke up.. with blood all over my bed. I screamed. I was shaking. Did I.. NO! Did I lose my baby? How?

        "Marina!" I heard someone called. "Marina! Are you okay? Marina!"

        I woke up.

        "Huh?" I said. "What.. what happened?"

        Helen said, "You.. you lost your baby.."

        "What? How?" I cried. "That's not true!"

        I saw Dylan sitting on a chair across from where I was.

        "Dylan?" I said, my voice dry.

        He got up and came over to the bed. "How come you didn't tell me when we had the chance to talk after 3 1/2 months? How come?" he said

        "I.. I.."

        He held my hand. "It's okay.. you don't have to answer that."

        "How did I lose my baby?" I ask.

        Helen and Dylan said, "You killed him yourself."

        I woke up to the sound of someone saying my name.

        "Wh.. what happened?" I ask.

        "You were crying and screaming. I think you were having a nightmare, Marina," Helena said.

        I hugged her. "I'm scared, Helen. Dylan.. where is he?"

        "Dylan isn't here. We don't know where he is, remember?"

        "Dylan.. I want to see him!" I said. "Wait.. I can track his phone!"

        "Let's do that," she said.

        The next day...

        "Dylan!" I called out.

        "Dylan!" Helen called.

        "Where could he be?" I ask. "We're at the right place." I look at the map.

        "Disneyland in Florida," I said.

        "I don't think this is right, Marina. Can you try calling him again?" she ask.

        I nodded. I took out my phone. I clicked on the number that Dylan used to call me, but it didn't work.

        "It's not working," I said.

        Helen sighed. "Tracking fail. Let's go back home," she said.

        5 months later...

        "I can't believe you're due in a couple of weeks!" Helen said.

        "I know, it's crazy right? Dylan's the father and he's been gone for 8 1/2 months. Nearly, close to a year."

        "I can't take this anymore," dad said. "We have to find him. He hasn't been here and he's having a kid."

        "Did you tell him when you had the chance to talk to him?" mom asks.

        I shook my head. "No, I didn't think about that.." I said.

        I started feeling pain. "Mom.. dad.." I said.

        "Yeah?" they both said.

        "He's kicking.."

        "Yeah, babies are suppose to do that," mom said.

        "He's kicking really hard." I felt something wet dripping down.

        "Her water broke!" Helen gasped.

        My eyes widened. "What? Not now!"

        "You don't have a choice," mom said.

        "What? Dylan isn't here! I can't do this alone!"

        "Marina, sweetie, you're the one pregnant, not him," dad said.

        "Yeah, I know but he's the father and he has to be here! Dad, you were here when mom was about to give birth so why can't my baby's father be here too?!" I screamed.

        "Because he isn't here, Marina. He doesn't even know!" Helena said to me.

        "We have to get you to the hospital!" dad said.

        "Breathe." mom was trying to keep me calm.

        "I can't do this!" I cried.


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