Chapter 9: Because...

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        1 week later...

        "He's been driving me nuts!" I told Helena. We were talking on the phone.

        "Come on Marina, it's only been a week," she said.

        "A week feels like a year!" I groaned. "Can I move in with you?"

        "I have a roommate.."

        "What?" I exclaimed, eyes widened.

        "Yeah, but she's barely here.. I mean, maybe you can. Ask the dean."

        I was about to say something but there was a knock on my door.

        "Hold on," I said.

        I clicked the mute button.

        Dylan opened the door. "What do you want?" I ask.

        "Party tonight. Let's go," he said then left. I didn't even get to reply.

        I got up from my bed and closed the door. I unmuted.

        "Hey, who was that?" Helen asks.

        "Just Dylan," I replied. "Apparently, we're going to a party tonight."

        "That bitch's Regina's party?"

        "Regina????! Sandals????!" I exclaimed. "Are you fucking serious?!"

        "I'll meet you there tonight."

        A couple of hours later...

        Dylan glanced at me while I was coming down from the stairs. He was sitting on the couch.

        "What?" I ask.

        "Hm.. nothing. You look nice," he said.

        "Thanks. I try."

        We were about to head out the door until Dylan said, "Oh yeah. My girlfriend's coming too. Do you mind?"

        I shook my head. "No. I don't mind."

        Yup, Dylan has a girlfriend. Her name's Mandy. I'm unsure if he's serious with her or not. They've been dating for a week now. She's been over a couple of times.. I don't wanna get into detail.

        We walked out of the house and got into his car. I sat at the back seat.

        "What are you doing?" he asks.

        "Um.. sitting?" I said.

        "Sit next to me."

        "Well, I figured since you're picking up your girlfriend, she's gonna sit next to you on the passenger's seat," I told him.

        He snapped. "Right."

        He started driving to Mandy's house.

        She was outside waiting for us. She walked toward the car.

        "Hey babe," she said, getting in the car.

        They both leaned in for a kiss. Well.. this is awkward.

        We got to Regina's party. I met Helen on the way walking to the door.

        It was a typical college party in a sorority.

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