Chapter 6: Uh oh..

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        I quickly covered my eyes and turned around. I just wanted to know who my roomate was and tell them to shut the hell up.

        "Marina?" Dylan asks.

        "Dylan! What the hell?!" I yelled.

        "Hm.. seems like you want to have sex with me now. Come on, threesome."

        "What the fuckkkk?!" I yelled. "You're so gross!"

        I stormed out of the room and went back to my room and slammed the door.

        I heard Dylan say, "You're jealous!"

        WTF! I am not jealous! That dick!


        "Oh my god! Your roomate's Dylan?!" Helena screamed, laughing.

        "Shut up, Helen! It isn't funny! I hate it!" I tell her.

        "You're advantage, girl!" she said, sitll laughing.

        "I hate you."

        "Oh come on. It can't be that bad already, Marina!"

        "I walked in on him having sex with that slut, Regina!"

        "O-M-G! Ew! Regina George?!" she screamed, laughing.

        "Yes, Regina 'George'."

        Regina's last name isn't George, it's Sandals. Regina Sandals. That bitch.

        "Why?" she asks.

        "I wanted to know who my roomate was and tell them to shut the fuck up with the moaning! And plus, he also offered me to have a threesome with him and her! " I told her.

        "Of course. If I were you, I'll say YES! Why didn't ya?"

        "Shut up, Helena!" I yelled.

        She was sitll laughing.

        "So anyways," I said. "Who's your roomate?"

        She replied, "Oh, it's this girl-"


        "Damn, Marina. Calm down," she said. "Anyways, her name's Raven."

        Everything just went into a blur. That name sounded familiar.. Raven.. Raven.. RAVEN?!

        "Oh.. that's nice. Is she nice?" I ask.

        "Yes, she's super nice! Love her already!" Helen said. "Oh, and she wasn't having sex, just fyi."

        "I didn't wanna know!" I told her then hung up.

        The door swung open. It was Regina.

        "Oh, you're still here?" I ask her.

        She crossed her arms. "Of course I am still here. I needed to finish what Dylan and I started."

        I looked to the left and made a disgusted face. "Ew, just get out."

        She scofffs and says, "Virgin."

        I look at her, "Slut, whore, bitch, ska-"

        Dylan comes up and says, "Hey, Marina."

        I stood up and said, "Take you and your little bitch out of here!"

        He points at himself. "Hey, it's my house too. I paid for it." Then he points at me. "You're lucky you're not paying."

        "Oh, I'm paying. I'm not gonna be lazy," I told him.


        "You're coming over and you're bringing Raven?!" I ask Helen.

        "Well, yeah. I told you where I live and you told me where you live. So of course!" she said.

        "Oh.. okay then.. Awesome.. can't wait to meet her.."

        "Why do you sound so nervous, Marina?" she asks me.

        "Oh, I don't know.."

        We both hung up.

        I went downstairs and saw Dylan making out with a girl, on the fucking couch.

        I pulled the girl up and said, "Out." I point to the door.

        She sighed and grabbed her bag then left.

        Dylan got up from the couch and crossed his arms and said, "You must be jealous, huh? Marina?"

        I put my hands on my hips. "Jealous? Are you crazy? Why would I be jealous of your ass?"

        He circled around me. "Hm.. your jealous of my ass? You have a nice ass yourself."

        Oh my god, he was looking at my butt. I quickly sat down on the couch.

        "Fucking perv," I mumbled. I turned to the right.

        He bend down and got close to my left ear. "What?" he asks.

        "I said your a-"

        I turned around and realized how close our faces were. He leaned a bit closer and brushed his soft lips onto mines. We didn't kiss, his lips just touched mines a little.

        I looked away and said, "Um.."

        He sat down and cleared his throat.

        The doorbell rung.

        "I'll get it.." I said then got up from the couch.

        I opened the door and saw only Helen.

        "Hey Helena." I said.        

        "Hi!" she said.

        I whispered to Helena, making sure Dylan doens't hear, "Where's Raven?"

        She whispered back, "She has class."

        "Oh, okay." I said, not whispering anymore.

        "Ooookay.. why were we whispering?" she ask confused.

        "I'll tell you later, alright?" I said to her.

        "Oh! I brought someone along. Do you and Dylan mind?" she said.

        "Uh.. no. Where is he?" I ask.

        She turned around and waved to a guy in a car.

        "Oh.. the firefighter guy.." I said.

        "Yeah, isn't he hot?" Helena says.

        I nodded.

        He came to us and said, "Hey, I'm Zander."

        My eyes widened.

        Dylan was still in the living room then he came to the door.

        "Zander?" he says.

        "Oh shit.. Dylan.." said Zander.

        Uh oh..


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