Chapter 8: Fucking perv!

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        "Dylan!" I shouted out.

        I saw him laying in the field of flowers.

        "Dylan!" I call out. I ran to him.

        I look down at him. "What are you doing here?"

        He pointed to the sky. "You see that cloud? It's shaped as a heart."

        I look up. "Dylan.."

        I lay down next to him. "Dyl-"

        "And that one," he pointed. "It's shaped as a star."

        He chuckled. "That's funny. It still daytime."

        I smiled. "It's beautiful," I said.

        "Just like you," he said putting his arms behind his head.

        I looked at him. "Uh.. we should go home. It's 5 after.."

        I got up but then he pulled me onto him.

        "Stay with me," he said. "I don't want to be alone."

        I tried to get up from him but he wouldn't let me go.

        "I should get home.." I said, feeling uncomfortable that I'm on him.

        "We live together so we go together."

        "Okay then let's go," I said getting up from him.

        He pulled me down and my lips landed on his. He was holding onto me while I was struggling to get away.

        I finally managed to get off of him. I stormed off to sidewalk.

        "Marina!" he called out.

        I turned around. "What?"

        He ran to me and said, "I'm sorry."

        "Yeah, I know you're sorry."

        "Then why are you mad?" he asks.

        "Because.. because of that one time."

        "What one time?" he asks putting his hand through his hair.

        "When we.. almost did it. We made out. You called me a prude," I told him.

        He chuckled. "That's it?"

        "Well.. yeah," I said. "What else?"

        "Oh.. I thought that you were jealous," he said.

        "Jealous of what?" I ask crossing my arms.

        "Because of Raven."

        "Okay, 1. You aren't dating her anymore. And 2. I AM NOT JEALOUS!" I snapped on the last part.

        "Woah, calm down, Tiger. I was just messin'. Why are you getting all mad this time?"

        "Gosh! You annoy me!" I screamed at him.

        I turned around and started walking home.

        I heard him run up to me. We were side by side.

        He nudged me. "What's with you and that guy?"

        "What guy?" I ask. We were still walking.

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