Chapter 3: Field of Flowers

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        I followed Dylan out of the classroom. I'm pretty sure he noticed.

        He turned around and said, "Can you not follow me?"

        I stopped and replied, "I'm sorry.. uh-"

        "What do you want?" he asks.

        "I'm sorry-"

        "You said that already," he said turning around.

        I walked up to him and tapped on his shoulder. "You.. you looked serious when I called you-"

        "Don't say it," he demanded.

        "I'm sor- I probably should just go.." I said pointing behind me.

        He grabbed my wrist and ask, "You wanna go somewhere?"

        "I.. I gotta study for the test tomorrow.." I said hesitantly.

        "You can do it later, Marina." he said not looking at me in the eye.

        "Hm.. you remembered my name. Shocker," I said smiling.

        "What?" he asks.

        "Oh, you know.. you don't really remember girl's names after you hooked up with them," I said to him.

        He looked at me. "Since when did we 'hooked up'?"

        I can feel my face heat up. "Uh.. you know.. I'm just gonna-"

        "Nope, you're coming with me." he said dragging me to his car.

        We got to his car and he opened the door for me.

        "Shocking. You're opening the door for me.." I said getting in.

        "Well yeah. I figured, you're a lazy one," he said closing the door.

        He ran to the other side of the car and got in.

        "I am not lazy!" I said slapping his arm.

        He started driving.        

        "Uh.. where are you taking me?" I ask nervously.

        "Don't worry. I'm not going to rape you or anything," he said smirking.

        He stopped at a place. "Come on, let's go."

        He got out of the car and ran over to my side and opened the door for me. I got out and looked around where we were.

        "Relax," he said closing the door.

        "I.. I-"

        He grabbed my hand took me to this beautiful field of flowers.

        "Wow.. this place is beautiful, Dylan," I told him looking around.

        He released my hand and asks, "You like it?"

        I nodded. "Of course I do. It's sooo pretty."

        "Well, I'm glad you like it."

        He sat down.

        I sat down next to him and ask, "Do you take girls here often?"

        He shook his head. "Nah. I usually take them to the bed."

        He laughed and I laughed along with him. "Not surprising, Dylan."

        He layed down. "Uh.. there's actually.." his voice trails off.

        I layed down too and said, "Actually.. what?"

        "There's this one girl that I was madly.. I mean MADLY in love with.. I took her here. She loved it here."

        "Wow. Really? Dylan was madly in love?" I joked.

        "Yeah. Crazy right?" he asks. "Anyways.. she had dirty blond hair, sparkly blue eyes, she was really pale, she was.. she was beautiful. Her personality was great also."

        "I could tell." I said.

        "We both dated each other when we were 13 to 18. So 5 years, we dated. On graduation day, I proposed to her, on the stage. But.. but turns out.. she was already engaged and.." his voice trails off again.

        "And what?" I ask.

        He said, "Pregnant.."

        "Oh.. so.."

        "Yup. She cheated on me with my best friend Zander ," he told me.

        "What's her name?" I ask.

        "Her name was Raven. She's married now, I think. Well, actually.. I'm pretty sure."

        "Oh.. I'm sorry, Dylan."

        "No, it's okay. She always called me Dyl.. so that's why I reacted when you called me that."

        "Again, I'm sorry," I said.

        "No, you didn't know. It's just that.. with my best friend, you know. It's crazy. They both betrayed me. I thought she loved me but she didn't."

        "So that's why you became-"

        "A jerk? Yeah. That's why. Oh, also, turns out Zander's in a gang or something. I'm not sure, actually. I heard something like that but maybe it was just a rumor," he told me.

        "Oh.." I said. I didn't really know what else to say.

        He got up and held his knees. I got up also.

        "I'm sorry for telling you all this. Sorry for wasting your time Marina," he said.

         I held onto his arm. "No, it's okay, Dylan."

        He got up and said, "I should probably get you home, huh?"

        I got up and said, "Yeah.."

        We were walking to his car. I had my arms around me. It was getting very chilly.

        He turned around and looked at me. "Cold?"

        "Uh.. yeah," I said.

        He took off his black leather jacket and handed it to me. "Here."

        I shook my head. "No, it's okay. Your car isn't that far."

        He frowned and put his jacket around me. "Just take it."

        I looked at him. "Thanks.. Dylan."

        We got to his car. "So.. where do you live?"

        I told him and he drop me off. He walked me to my apartment.

        "Uh.. you don't have to come up," I told him.

        He nods. "Okay. Uh, thanks for listening."

        "No problem," I said.

        I took off the jacket and gave it back to him.

        "Bye," I said.

        He waved and went back to his car. I watch him drove off.

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