Chapter 11: Where is he?

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        I woke up and turned to the left to check the time. 12:09pm it says. I turned to the right to see Dylan not there. Where is he, I wonder? Probably cooking downstairs?

        I went downstairs and didn't see him anywhere. Where could he be? Where is he? Did he go to class? No, we skipped class. I went back upstairs and went in his room. His closet was open and all of his clothes was gone. What? He just took my virginity and left? He said he like me. Was it just a lie? Was it a joke?

        I felt a tear slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it and dialed Helen's number.

        "Hello?" she answered.

        "Helen.." I sobbed.

        "Hey, what's wrong?" she asked.

        "Can you come over? I don't wanna talk about it over the phone."

        "Alright, be there in a bit."

        She got here really quick.

        "Okay, not tell me what's wrong," she said.

        "Dylan and I had sex this morning and we fell asleep," I told her. "Then I woke up with him not being here. His clothes are all gone.."

        "What?" she exclaimed. "He just fucked you and left?!"

        "I.. I don't know where he is," I said.

        "Call him."

        "Right. I should."

        I grabbed my phone and dialed Dylan's number. It went straight to voicemail.

        "He didn't pick up," I said.

        "What the fuck?!" she yelled. "How could he do this to you?!"

        Tears were streaming down my face.

        "Wait.." she shook her head. "You two had sex?"

        I nodded. "Yeah," I replied.

        "Oh my god, really? I thought you hated him."

        "I don't know, Helen! We just did it.." I said. "It.. it didn't mean anything..!"

        She started laughing. "How big was it?" she asked.        

        I blushed a little. "What the hell, Helena?!"

        "You're blushing.. so it's big huh?"

        I smacked her arm. "Not telling you!"


        A week later...

        "Maybe he went on a business trip," Helen said.

        "Business trip?" I ask. "He doesn't do business. Besides having sex.. he doesn't have a job."

        "Maybe he felt homesick and went home!"

        "He would've told me if he went home, Helen."

        "Right.. but maybe he left you a note somewhere.."

        "Helen.. there was no note anywhere!" I said, getting frustrated.

        "Let's order," she said. She waved her hand and a waitor came over.

        I recognized him.

        "Rex?" I exclaimed.

        "Oh.. hey Marina.." he said awkwardly. "Hi, Helena."

        "You work here now?" I ask.

        "Yeah.. what would you ladies like?" he ask.

        Helen said, "I'll have some orange chicken with fried rice, please. Along with a cup of coconut juice."

        I looked at the menu. "I'll have.. just chicken, please. With coconut boba tea."

        "Coming right up!" he said.

        He left to go get our food.

        "Oh my god! I can't believe you're ex AKA the sex god works here!" she said, laughing. "I'm totally instagraming this!" She wipped out her phone and took a picture of Rex.

        That's weird. He's insanely rich. Why would he have a job? I thought.

        "Aren't you gonna say something?" Helen ask, putting her phone back in her purse.

        "Huh?" I said. "Yeah.. that's so funny..!"

        He came back with our food and drinks. He set it down.

        "Thanks," Helen and I both said.

        "You want some of my fried rice, Marina?" she ask.

        I shook my head picking up a piece of chicken. "I'm good," I said.

        I was about to bite a piece of it but I dropped it and covered my mouth.

        "What's wrong?" Helen asked.

        I ran to the bathroom. I went inside a stall and puked.

        "Hello? Marina?" I heard Helen called out.

        "I'm in here!" I said. I got out of the stall.

        "What happened? Are you okay?" she asked, feeling concerned.

        I shook my head. "I'm fine."

        "Are you sure?"

        I nod. "Yes."

        "I feel like you aren't fine Marina.." she said, tapping her chin. "Something's suspicious.."

        "What?" I ask, confused. "I'm okay. Looks like I"m coming down with something."

        "You puked but you didn't even take a bite of your chicken.. This means something.."

        "I.. I don't know then!" I said.        

        "You seemed disgusted with the smell.. even though you love the smell of chicken and you love eating it.."

        "What is it, Helena?" I ask, getting annoyed.

        She snapped. "You're pregnant!"


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