Chapter 2: Dyl

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"I hate him," I said to Helena.

"Ahh, those moments. Typical, cliche moments. The guy and the girl have arguments with each other. The girl hates the guy's guts because he always tease her. He's considered a 'bad boy' and she's considered a 'good girl'. What is new?" she shrugs. "Later on, they start falling in love."

I shoved Helen off the couch.

"Hey!" she screamed. "There are more seats. Why'd you push me off?"

"You know exactly why, Helena," I said.

"It's true. It happened to your parents and Kayden and Susan. Kayden's parents-"

"Nuh uh. It did not happen to Kayden's parents!" I corrected her.

"Well, after she was pregnant."

"I guess," I shrugged.

"Anyways, your grandparents. So on and so on."

I sigh. "I miss my grandparents, Grandmother Bethany and Grandfather Adam."

"I wanted to meet them so bad! They started this generation. They're the mains."

"Yeah.. let's get to class," I said.

We got to class and I spot Dylan making out with a girl. Of course, what is new?

I went inside the actual classroom and sat next to Helena, like always.

Dylan came in with his signature smirk and waved at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh my gosh. Did that sexy beast just waved at you?" Helen squealed.

"No. And I don't care," I said getting out a pencil and a notebook.

Dylan came over and asks, "Hey Marina, do you have an extra pencil I could borrow?"

I look at him. "Nah." I said.

"Well.. I'm just gonna sit here until you give me one," he said sitting down.

I sigh, making a loud sigh noise. "Fine." I said. I took out a pencil and gave it to him.

"Thanks," he said taking the pencil but touching my hand.

I yank my hand from him. He didn't move.

"Um.. aren't you gonna move?" I ask him.

"No, why would I?" he said.

"Because you said that-"

"Eh, that was old," he said interrupting me.

I scooted my chair over a tad bit. He moved closer to me. He was taking notes, surprisingly.

"Don't be scared, babe. I don't bite," he said.

Did he seriously just called me 'BABE'?

"What did you just call me?" I ask him. I knew what he called me but I was making sure.

"Babe," he said.

"Don't call me babe," I said, shoving him.

I felt his strong muscles when I shoved him. They were hard and just.. perfect.

"You know, if you wanted to feel my muscles, you could've asked. You didn't need to shove me to feel my muscles," he said smirking.

I look at him. "I was not-"

"What's wrong, Marina?" Mrs. Jude asks me.

I got up from my seat. "Mrs. Jude, can you please tell Dylan here to move to another seat. He is distracting me from taking notes," I tell her.

"Wow, snitch much?" I heard Dylan say. He was still taking notes.

"He looks fine to me," Mrs. Jude said. "Sit down and just take the notes."

I sat back down and said, "I really hate you, Dyl."

He looked up at me. "Don't call me DYL."

He actually looked serious when he said that. He's never serious. Hm.. that's odd.

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