Chapter 16: Court

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        "Yes! And I hate that!" she said. "But I love him. I love Colt so damn much, it's crazy."

        "Marina, let me explain. Please," I begged again.        

        "I don't want to hear it, Dylan! I don't! Leave me alone!"

        "Fine," I said. "But I want to be with my son."

        "You aren't just gonna come back and take my son away from me!" she snapped.

        "Our son, Marina. He's my son too."

        "I don't care! You aren't taking him! I don't trust him with you!"

        "Alright, I guess we'll have to deal this in court."


        Marina's POV:

        "He's gone way too far," Helen said.

        "He wasn't even here to help you when you were pregnant. He wasn't even here when you gave birth," mom said.

        "I know, but he already booked a court case," I said. "What am I going to do?"

        "You need to get yourself a lawyer," dad said.

        "Gramps Adam!"

        Dylan's POV:

        "You're an idiot," Owen said.

        "Hey! I wanna see my son!" I yelled.

        "Damn, calm down, Dylan," Channing said.

        "You need a lawyer," they both said.

        "Yeah, I know. Shit, who though?"

        "My dad!" Channing suggested.

        "Your dad," Owen suggested.

        "I'mma go with Channing's dad," I said.


        "Explain!" Judge said. "You go first, Dylan."

        I got up from my seat and sat on the chair.

        "Well.. I want to see my son. I want to take care of him and raise him. But Marina doesn't trust me with him," I said.

        "Alright," Judge said. "Lawyer Walt."

        Lawyer Walt, AKA, Channing's dad got up and started talking. "Marina refuses Dylan to take care of their son. She doesn't 'trust' him with him.

        "Okay, Marina!"

        I got up and sat back down next to Owen.

        Marina's POV:

        I went up to sit on the chair.

        "He didn't help me. He had sex with me then left. He didn't call me or leave a note or anything. He just basically.. LEFT. No sign of anything. He wasn't here when I was pregnant-"

        "Hey!" Lawyer Walt said. "I wanna say something."

        Judge says, "What is it?"

        "I want to defend my client. Dylan didn't KNOW that Marina was pregnant with his child. They had an opportunity to talk but she decided not to."

        "It didn't come up," I said. "I was planning to tell him in person but I didn't think it would take nearly 2 years for him to finally show his face."

        "I had a reason," Dylan said.

        I got up and put my hands on my hips. "Oh, and what is it?" I ask.

        "Finally wanna know?" he said.

        I nodded my head. "Spill."

        I saw him took a deep breath then let it out. "I went into hiding."

        I chuckled then crossed my arms. "What is this? Anne Frank? The Nazis didn't take over. Why were you hiding? You didn't want to take care of our child, is that it?"

        "He didn't even know you were pregnant!" Lawyer Walt softly shouted.

        "Lawyer Walt!" Judge yelled. "Anything you have to say, Lawyer Adam?"

        Gramps Adam got up and said, "Explain 'hiding'."

        Dylan explained, "That's why I didn't want you, Marina, with Rex. He was in a gang that my dad borrowed money from."

        "Why did he borrowed money from them? Isn't he a lawyer too?" Gramps Adam asked.

        "Yes he is. But he needed the money for my college fund. He wasn't doing very good in his career as a lawyer so he had to borrow money. That's why I had to hide from them."

        "Why did you need to hide? Shouldn't it be your father that was suppose to hide?"

        "Well, my dad put me out there. He said that his son needed money for college. And he said my name, my FULL name. I was in trouble. That's why I was gone for so long."

        "Alright, is that it?" Judge asks.

        Dylan and I nodded our heads.

        "Okay, let the jurys talk and decide," Judge said then hammers.

        Half an hour later...

        "They need more answers!" Judge said. "That's not enough information."

        "That's all the information we have," Dylan said.

        "Why did you have sex with Marina? Do you like her.. or love her?" Judge asks.

        I shook my head. "Oh no, we didn't have any feelings for each other. We don't love each other. I was basically just his one night stand bitches. Or morning stands."

        "So he took advantage of you?"

        "I.. I wanted it. I agreed to have sex with him," I told everybody truthfully.

        "Did you wear a condom, Dylan?"

        He nods. "Yes I did."

        "Then how come she got pregnant?"

        "I don't know. Maybe it broke or something."

        "Were you on the pill, Marina?"

        I shook my head and said, "I didn't expect this to happen."

        "Well.. it's both of your responsibilities. Dylan's the dad. Marina's the mom. Jurys?" Judge said then hammers.

        The jurys was deciding.

        Another half an hour later...

        "Well.. the jurys decided and..."






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