Chapter 7: Don't get the wrong idea

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        "Zander," Dylan growled.

        "Um.. Helen and I are just gonna go.." I said dragging Helena up the stairs.

        "No, let's hear this. I wanna listen," Helen said pulling my grip off of her arm.

        Zander spoke, "Look Dylan, I'm sorry. Raven seduced m-"

        "I don't wanna hear it. You took her. We were best friends. Why would you do this?!" Dylan snarled.

         "We broke up.." Zander mumbled quietly.

        "Broke up?!" Dylan exclaimed. "Why?"

        "I'm in a gang and she didn't want me to be in it so I left her.."

        "How 'bout the baby?!"

        "She's doing fine," Zander answered.

     "I can't believe you left Raven and your daughter. How cruel and shameful of you. You don't deserve her," Dylan said harshly.

        "Raven?" Helen asks.

        "Yeah Raven," I said.

        "She's my roommate," Helena told them.

        "Roommate?!" Dylan and Zander exclaimed.

        "You mean she's in college?" Dylan asks.

        I nodded slightly. "Yeah.." I fake chuckled.

        "I wanna see her," said Zander and Dylan at the same time.

        "Uh.. I don't think she wants to see you two.." I said hesitantly.

        Zander said, "Take me to her, Helen."

        I shook my head at Helen.

        She said, "She's in class right now. But I think she might be home..?"

        I cross my arms.


        "Dylan? Zander?" Raven exclaimed, eyes widened after she opened the door.

        "Raven.." Dylan said softly and calmy.

        "I didn't expect you to- you both to be here.." she said.

        "Raven, baby.." Zander said pulling her into a hug. "I'm done with the gang. Please, let me come home. Where's Bailey?"

        "She's with my mom," Raven replied.

        "It's been so long!" said Zander hugging Raven.

        They both pulled away from the hug.

        I should'nt have came.

        "I love you," Zander said to Raven.

        "I love you too, Zander."

        Dylan turned around and ran.

        "Dylan!" I shout.

        "Don't worry about him, Raven. It's good that you two are back together," I said. I guess..

        I followed Dylan to where he was. I couldn't find him. I stumble across Ronnie.

        "Hey! Marina!" he said.

        "Hi.." I said running out of breath.

        "Is somebody trying to rape you again? That's why you're running?" he asked.

        I chuckled. "No. I'm trying to find somebody," I told him.

        He points at me and narrowed one of his eyebrow's down.

        He asks, "Are YOU trying to rape them?"

        "No, Ronnie. Ugh, I gotta go." I said then ran off.

        Don't get me wrong, I like Ronnie. But, I just gotta find Dylan right now.

        AND NO! I don't care about him or anything. I.. I just want to talk to him. He's upset and I wanted to be there for him. NOT IN THAT WAY! DON'T GET THE WRONG IDEA!

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