Chapter 14: Guess not

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        "What are you gonna name him?" mom, dad, and Helen asked.

        "I.. I don't know," I said.

        "He's looks like you," mom said.

        "Yeah, but he looks more like Dylan," I shrugged.

        "Then name him Dylan." Helena suggested.

        "Can I?" I ask.

        "How about.." mom started to said. "Hm.. oh sweetie. I don't know."

        The door swung open. "Oh! There is my beautiful great grandchild!" Grammy Beth said.

        "What did you name him?" Gramps Adam ask.

        "I'm still deciding," I told them.

        "I told you, name him Adam," Gramps Adam said.

        "Dad, she's not naming him Adam," mom told him.

        "I know, but it'll be cute!"

        "Colt," I said.

        "Colt?" Helen asks. "Colt!"

        "Perfect!" dad said, clapping his hands together.

        "Colten, and Colt for short," mom said.

        "I like it."

        A year later...

        A/N: I know, a year later???! Yaaaaas, because I have some ideas and I do want to wrap up this story.

        "Can he talk?" Helena ask.

        "No.. only some words though. He can walk," I replied.

        "What can he say?" she ask.

        "Mommy," I said. "Daddy..." ETC

        "You teached him how to say 'daddy'?" she exclaimed.

        I nodded. "Ya."

        "Colt's a year old. You haven't seen or talked to Dylan in a year and something months."

        "1 year and 8 and 1/2 months," I told her.

        "He's almost 2?!"

        I nodded. "Yes, you were there. How could you not remember Colt's almost 2 years old? You're the best auntie ever."

        "Yes, yes I am the best auntie ever. Now, are you going to try and call Dylan?" she ask.

        "No, and are you going to call Channing?" I ask.

        "Right! We're going out tonight!" she squealed, in a high pitched voice.

        I plugged my ears and used my elbow to plug Colt's ears.

        "I'm 21, turning 22, Colt's 1, turning 2, we're gonna be death and we aren't even old!"

        "Are you calling me a chipmunk?" she ask, putting her hands on her hips.

        I nodded.

        "There is my great granchild, Colten!" Grammy Bethany said.

        She picked him up and kissed him.

        Mom came in the living room. "Mom, we were in a middle of a conversa-"

        "Hey, he's my grandchild," mom said.

        "Well, I'm his great grandmother, that's more cool," Grammy Beth said.

        "You know mom, Colt's not your only great grandchild."

        "Oh right! I gotta give June some love too!"

        June is Kayden's and Susan's daughter. She's 4 months and adorable.

        Dylan's POV:

        Dad left the room after giving me a lecture on 'DON'T TRY TO ESCAPE'. I didn't care, I wasn't even listening. Because.. I'm going to escape. It's been too long. WAYYYY TOO LONNNGG. Almost 2 fucking years. I was worried, what if Marina's gotten married and had kids?

        I had my luggage ready. All my clothes was in there. I left the apartment and got a cab.

        Oh shit, I saw my dad talking to some guy. He glanced over to where I was and saw me. Fuck. I quickly threw my luggage into the cab and got in it.

        "Dylan!" I heard my dad yelled.

        "Fretta! Disco! Veloce!" I said to the cab driver.

        A/N: Translation: 'Quick! Drive! Hurry!' BTW, I used Google Translate so don't blame me if it's not 100% accurate. It's Italian BTW. (;

        Yes, I'm all the way in Italy.

        The cab driver drove me to the airport. He assumed that I was going there because of my luggage. Thank god I didn't have to say it in Italian. I mean, I learned some Italian words here but they were difficult. In my opinion.

        Goodbye Italy, here I come, America.        

        Marina's POV:

        Colt and I came to the park. We were bored being home so we came here.

        "Be careful, Colt," I said to him.

        "Hey!" somebody said behind me.

        I turned around. It was.. Rex..

        "Uh.. oh hi Rex.." I said.

        He pointed to Colten. "That your kid?" he ask.

        I nodded. "Yeah. His name's Colt."

        "Oh, nice. You got married?"

        I shook my head. "No.. it's kind of complicated right now.."

        "Who's the dad?" he ask.

        "Dylan," I replied.

        "Ahh, that guy. He doesn't want to be involved huh?"

        "Huh? What? No. Uh.. no. He doesn't know. Because he's been gone.." I said.         

        I felt tears coming down my cheek. Rex put his arms around me.

        "It's okay, Marina. I'll be here. I'll be here for you," he said.

        Colten pulled my shirt. "Mommy."

        Rex released me. "Yes?" I said.

        He rubbed his stomach. "Hungry."

        I bent down and ruffled his hair. "Aww, Colt hungry? Come on, let's go."

        I was about to grab his hand but Rex said, "I'll carry him. If you don't mind."

        I shook my head.

        Rex picked up Colt and put him around his back.

        "You okay back there, buddy?" Rex asks Colt.

        Colt nodded his head. "Yes!"

        Dylan's POV:

        I saw Marina. He was with some guy. Wait.. that's Rex! He's part of the gang that my dad used money from! Marina's married to him? And they.. had a kid? I thought she'll wait for me.. Guess not.


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