Chapter 15: Please

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        I followed them. I know, it sounds creepy but I have to get Marina. Rex's bad. She has to know how bad he is.

        I was about to knock on the door but then I stopped myself. I couldn't do it. She's married to him.. I think. Well, I assume.

        Marina's POV:

        "I'm sorry, Marina," Rex said. "I messed up. It's my fault."

        I shook my head. "Don't blame yourself, Rex. That was the pass. That's over now."

        "What do you mean by that?" he asked.

        I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm not really looking for anyone right now."

        "It's because of Dylan, huh?"

        "What?" I exclaimed. "No, no. It's not because of him. He left me."

        Somebody knocked on the door.

        I went to go open it. It was.. the guy who left me almost 2 years ago... Dylan.

        "Hi," he says.

        I was about to close the door but he pushed it.

        "Look, Marina, I'm sorry but I can explain-"

        "I don't care and I don't want an explanation," I said to him. "It's been nearly 2 years. How could you do this? You expect to come back and apologize and then have me forgive you?"

        "No, Marina-"

        "You should leave," Rex says.

        "I agree. Dylan, you need to leave. Get out of my house."

        "How could you be married to him?" he asks. "You don't even know him!"

        "I do know him! You can't tell me who I know or I don't know! And I regret knowing you." A tear slid down my cheek.

        I pointed to the door. "Go or I'll call the police," I threatened.

        "Daddy," Colt says.

        I looked at him. "Uh.. Rex, can you take our son to get some food?"

        Dylan's POV:

        That little boy does not look anything like Rex. Could he be my kid?

        "Yours and Rex's son?" I said. "Hah, funny. I know that he's my child, Marina."

        "No he isn't..." she said.

        "Please, Marina, let me explain. I left because I was-"

        "Dude, Dylan, she doesn't want you here. Leave or we're calling the cops on you," Rex said.

        "Yeah call the cops," I said. "So I can report you."

        "It's the other way around," he said.

        There was a knock on the door. I went to go open it.

        Rex said, "Ah, there's the cops. You're just in time, Dylan here-"

        The cops approached Rex and putted his hands behind his back.

        "Hey, hey. What are you doing?"

        They handcuffed him. "Let me go!" Rex said then elbowed one of the cop's.

        "He hit a cop," the cop said into those walkie-talkie things.

        "Oh, you're gonna be in prison for a very long time," I said.

        "Thanks for calling us, Dylan," the cop said.

        "No problem!"

        After they left, Marina picked up the little boy and went upstairs.

        I went after them.

        "Marina, let me explain, please," I begged.

        "Why would you do that? Why would you call the cops on Rex? He didn't do anything!" she cried.

        "He's bad," I said.

        "Oh, and you aren't bad? You had sex with me then left. It's been nearly 2 whole freaking years!"

        "I have a reason."

        "Please, you probably just made it up."

        "I do, Marina. Listen to me, please."

        "I can't! You got me pregnant and left me! Colt's almost 2 years old! What kind of a father are you?!" she cried.

        "So Colt... he's my son. He looks like me.. a lot," I said.





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