Chapter 5: Moving Out

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        Dylan's POV:

        "Did you get some?" Flinn asks winking and smirking at me.

        "Shut up," I said, rolling my eyes.

        Marina's POV:

        "Hey, Marina. What's wrong?" Helen asks.

        I didn't say anything. I just left the club.

        "Hey pretty lady," a guy said behind me.

        I was in a deadly, sorrow alley. I didn't turn around. 

        "Do you need some company?" he asks.

        "Just leave me alone," I say putting my arms around me, looking down, still walking.

        I heard him and the other guys run to me. 

        "You better obey us." He said.

        "Leave me alone." I said once again.

        The guy pulled my arm and yell, "Hey!"

        I yank my arm. "Let go of me!" I screamed.

        He pulled me towards him and try to kiss up to my neck. 

        "Let me go!" I screamed.

        Dylan's POV:

        "I'mma head out for a smoke. Be right back," I told them.

        They all nodded and I left the club.

        I was outside, taking out my lighter and a cigarette. I was about to light it until I heard somebody screaming. I walked towards the screaming and saw Marina with a couple of guys.

        "Help!" she screamed.

        I went up to the alley, where she was but then I saw somebody else went. He was fighting them. He looked really familiar..

        Marina's POV:

        The guys left.

        "Oh my god, thank you!" I told the guy who saved me.

        He smiled and said, "Yeah. It was no problem. Are you okay?"

        I nodded. "Yeah."

        "Well, why are you here alone by yourself?" he asks, kindly.

        "I.." I remember me and Dylan making out, almost about to have sex. I barely know the guy! I can't believe I almost did the deed with him! And kissed him!

        "I was just.. you know.. roaming around.." I lied.

        "Okay. Would you mind if I took you home?"

        "Actually, I came here with a friend. But.. I think she's gonna be okay. She's with her cousin."

        "Alright. What's your name?" he asks.

        "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Marina. Yours?"

        "I'm Ronnie," he said with an adorable smile.


        "Oh my gosh! You met a guy!" Helen squealed.

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