Chapter 12: Grammy and Gramps!

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        "What the fuck, Helena?!" I said. "We used a condom!"

        "Are you sure you guy's used protection?" she ask.

        "Yah! He even put it on infront of me!"

        "Really?" she laughed.

        "Yes!" I said. "How could I be pregnant?"

        "Maybe it broke and he knew about it then he left you because he didn't want to take role of being a dad to his kid," she said.

        "I don't know about that.." I said.

        "Let's get you to a doctor then leave this town. 2nd semester, over.. I'm done with college!"

        We went to the hospital.

        "Congratulations! You're 1 week!" the doctor told me.

        "1 week? Exactly one week?" I ask.

        "Yes," she said. "He or she is growing inside for you. You're eating for 2!"

        "I'm having twins?!" I exclaimed.

         The doctor chuckled a little. "No, you're having 1 kid. You're eating for you and your kid."

        "Ah.. oh.. thank god," I said.


        "Hey mom! Hi dad!" I said to them.

        "Hi sweetie!" they both said.

        I gave them both hugs.

        "How are you?" mom asks.

        "I gotta tell you both something.." I said. "You won't like it.. or maybe you will. Who knows?"

        "What is it, honey?" dad ask.

        "Let's go inside."

        We went inside and I started, "I'm pregnant.."

        Both their eyes widened. "Pregnant?" they both said.


        "When was your wedding?" mom ask. "How come you didn't invite us? You're own parents."

        I sighed. "I'm not married.."

        "You aren't?" dad exclaimed.

        "No.." I said.

        "Your boyfriend?" mom ask.

        I sighed again. "He.. he isn't my boyfriend."

        "You mean.. you got raped?!" dad yelled.

        "No dad! No! I wanted it," I told them. "He didn't pressure me like Rex!"

        "You know how I feel about you dating boys," dad said.

        "Dad, we aren't dating!" I told him.

        "What? Why? What if he doesn't take part of being a dad?!"

        "He's missing!" I blurted out.

        "What?!" mom and dad exclaimed.

        "What do you mean he's missing?" mom ask.

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