Chapter 17

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Avery's POV

They say bravery is being courageous or having a strong character. People believe being brave is something you simply are, it's apart of you.

But I don't see it that way.

I see bravery as a moment. A random moment of insanity where you put everything above yourself. Yes, that is what I believe bravery is.

A single moment of madness.

"Rick STOP!!!"

My body wasn't my own anymore as I felt myself latch onto Rick's arm and hang on for dear life. My cast was wrapped around his bicep and my right arm latched onto the cast holding me securely in place as Rick was knocked off balance by my weight and he let go of Nate in surprise. We both went toppling to the left as he tried to regain his balance.

He growled in surprise as he slipped on the wet floor and we went tumbling down. Rick landed beneath me as I toppled on top of him. I quickly laid my weight down on top of him holding his arms to his sides. This task was made difficult with my cast and so I could only hold right arm down over his chest.

As we settled after our fall I stared down at Rick as his chest heaved and his eyes, now an abysmal black, stared up at me unflinching.


He didn't struggle. He just lay there beneath me staring up.

I could hear the world around us as people came to see what had happened. I heard the shatter of glass as people stumbled about and the smell of spaghetti sauce from the broken jar I had dropped when I went to grab Rick. I heard the mutterings and gasps as I felt more than saw forms move around us.

But I felt their eyes the most.

My skin itched and burned under their unknowing scrutiny. I tried to ignore it as I held Rick's gaze, trying to force him to calm down. Something in my face must have given me away for Rick's eyes began to shift back, slowly, to the warm honey I knew so well. His hardened features melted and he was left pliant under me as if he were a rag doll.

I didn't realize I was shaking until I heard the faint sound of my teeth chattering.

"A-are you go-good now?..." I closed my eyes feeling my cheeks burn with multiple emotions.

Humility, anger, sadness, frustration, and most of all fear.

Not of Rick.

No definitely not of Rick. Not the people around us. Not Nate. Not Evie. Not anyone in particular. I just felt this overbearing fear inside of me that clawed at my insides and made my fingers shake as I held tightly onto Rick for some type of support.

I flinched when I felt fingers brush against my cheek and I opened my eyes to see Rick looking at me and softly running his fingers along my jaw line. Rick let out a long, tired, and frustrated sigh that sounded rough and I felt the vibrations in his chest.

We were both wearing thin.


I let go of his arms and moved to kneel beside him as he sat up as well. I tried to keep my eyes down and away from the curious onlookers but felt them flash up now and then to meet their worried gazes. It was when my eyes connected with Nate's that I moved quickly to look at his neck.

It was already bruising and it looked like it hurt but when I went to touch it he simply shook me off and motioned with his eyes back to Rick. I looked back as well and saw Rick looking at the both of us with an unreadable expression that bordered on...

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