Chapter 13

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        I'm soooo sorry about this but I was sicker than a dog this weekend and couldn't even sit up to watch tv on the couch. And with how insanely busy I've been with family and the upcoming holiday season things just sort of... left me in the dust.

please enjoy

Avery's POV


                The ice stilled as everything went silent around me. Not a sound. Not another living creature anywhere. The hole in the ice stood hollow and empty. Not a splash or a bubble to say that something was there.

        "....papa..." I shook my head. I was standing there. Looking down at the small cub screaming out into the darkness for its father. My Dad. But there was no answer. He was gone.

        I remember this.

        I felt the harsh tears build in my eyes as I looked out on the harsh ice to the cracked hole. I remember it all now. My Dad. My home.

        The ice.

        I remember how my father had told me how my mother had died giving birth to me. He told me why he then decided to take me deep into the mountains because he thought it would protect me.


        That was his name.

        He died that day. Not from the cold water or the fall in but because once he fell in he couldn't get back out. Polar bears are built for the ice and snow, even built to survive in below freezing water, but they can only hold their breath for two minutes.

My father was left under the ice for an hour.

The current underneath the ice took him down to the river which fed the lake. I followed as far as I could go, far from the lake, far from our cabin, far from any trail I knew until I came upon the bank where his body washed up on... He was dead...

I was left out in the blizzard. Crying out for help for hours with no answer. With no way back to the cabin and no one out in the middle of the blizzard on the side of a mountain I was left all alone. I cried for so long I soon had no voice.

That's when I saw the train.

I killed him.

This thought echoed through my numb mind like a howling scream pounding deep into my soul.

I killed him.

I wish it was a nightmare.... But it's not.

My body exploded with pain as I tried to keep my eyes closed but all I could see was my father's limp, powerful body lying on the snow covered back. All I could hear were my own cries as I tried to shake him awake with my small paws but all I did was rock him slightly as his eyes remained closed.

You killed him. 

I could barely breath my chest was hurting so bad and my arm felt like it was ripping apart.

Please, make it stop! Please!



My eyes shot open and saw through the walls of shadows to a pair of soft, warm, honey brown orbs... My warm honey.

I gasped for air feeling tears fall down my cheeks, "Rick!"

I reached out my arms begging any gods that would listen not to let this be a dream. To let this one moment be real. For Rick to be real.


I was engulfed in warmth as strong, powerful arms wrapped me in a tight hug and I felt soft warm lips kiss my head as I shook and clawed at his back afraid he might disappear.

"Rick! Rick!"

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm here Avery. I'm here..."

We stayed like that. Just holding each other. I don't know how long. But I knew I didn't want to let go.

It was only when Rick pulled back to wipe my hair away from my moist eyes that I finally realized where I was. A stark white room, hollow of any warmth except for the strong warmth coming from him.

I looked back up to see Rick. To really see him. His warm honey eyes tinged red with tears. His tossled and frizzed mahogany hair. He now wore a ragged unkempt beard and he seemed to not have showered in weeks.

But I didn't care. I didn't care at all. Because he was here.

I reached up shakily and gently wiped away his tears, "... I-I'm sorry... r-rick I..."

Rick smiled softly and shook his head as he hugged me closer, "I don't want to hear it... not right now... not ever... you're here."

 He gently cupped my cheeks and rested his forehead against mine as I felt the aching pain start to numb throughout my body. But I didn't want to fall asleep yet. There was something important I had to say first... I had to say it...

 "Rick... I... I love you..."

His eyes were saucers as he stared down at me as the edges of my vision began to become fuzzy. Suddenly his shoulders started to shake as he hugged me tightly to his chest as his lips met mine in a deep but gentle kiss.

Our lips did not part. But all the love we both had was given through this one warm kiss as I felt his strong hands tangle themselves in my hair as mine tore through his shirt. As we pulled apart after what felt like an eternity of bliss his soft, tired laughter filled the room as my entire body began to float in the numbness,

 "You certainly know how to make a grizzly wait."

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