Chapter 6

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I uplaoded a day early because today is my Birthday! Yay! I'll be busy this weekend with celebrating so I thought I would upload it now while I have a few extra moments. I personally like this chapter a lot although it has taken a LOT of work from me. The whole chapter I listened to Date Night on Spotify ;)  Its their first romantic interaction in the story and Rick, being the smooth grizzly he is, set up a perfect first 'date' for the two to enjoy. I would LOVE to hear from you! Please comment, and Enjoy!

We were driving deep into the woods on old trail roads that were barely visible unless you knew where to look. It was quiet inside the truck as we looked at the changing scenery. Rick had been driving for about a half an hour and I simply found myself daydreaming as I looked off into the trees and underbrush.

Then suddenly we parked.

 Rick turned the key and the engine quit and settled into its mechanical sleep. While he unbuckled his seat belt and proceeded to step out of the car I just sat there and looked at him. When he had stepped down onto the ground and turned back to the cab he gave me a crooked smile, "Are you coming?"

I looked from him then back out the window into the deep forest surrounding us. When I looked back to him he was already closing his door and heading to the bed of the truck. In the moment of silence I let out a long moan.

I had a choice: I could either stay in here for gods know how long or... I could step out and see what exactly Rick has planned for our 'picnic'...

I clicked the seat belt open and slowly eased myself out of the cab to be greeted by a smiling Rick. He held up a pair of hiking boots and smiled silently as I looked from the nearly new boots to his eyes.

"Wouldn't want to ruin your shoes." He offered in explanation.

I looked down to my shoes which were just generic loafers. They weren't new, far from it, but he was right. A day of hiking in these would tear them apart. If I had known we were going to hike I would have brought my own... Fuck! I'm falling under his stupid apple-scented spell!

I huffed as I tugged off my shoes and grabbed the proffered boots rather roughly from his grasp. He didn't comment on my mood as he silently watched me put on the boots. When I had them on and tied my eyes widened slightly at realizing they were practically a perfect fit. But how in the world could he have known my shoe size?

"Coming?" I looked up to see him heading off, straight into the woods. I quickly followed behind and we set off on a silent pace through the woods.

It wasn't an awkward silence truthfully. Actually it was almost companionable. I kept a step or two behind him as he kept his eyes on the trail ahead of him.

Exactly what trail he was following I had no idea. I myself had hiked quite often on my own territory but I had never been out here before. This territory was farther out of town and kind of in the middle of the different pack territories. It was kind of a 'free zone' you could say that anyone could roam in. I hadn't come here before because I had no need to. It was normally visited by shifters who didn't have packs or prides.

As I thought on this the thought occurred to me that Rick had only just moved here, how did he know where he was going?

"Do you know where you're going?" I didn't mean to ask the question out loud, it just sort of came out. But he turned his head slightly to look at me and answered anyway.

"Yes I do. I checked the area out a few weeks ago. Do you not trust me or something?"



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