Chapter 5

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        Here we go! Chapter 5 coming at you! Yes! Last we left Rick was having a hard time keeping his anger in check as Avery seemed to be suffering from another bout of fever. When you're done reading I would love to here from you.


 "You got this. You can do this. Come on... Ugh!"

I hit the granite countertop with a resounding smack. The mirror on the wall above the sink shook and rattled as the toothbrush holder, a glass mason jar, wobbled off the side and went smashing against the across the tiled floor. I growled in annoyance as I stooped down to pick up the glass pieces.

The floor of the bathroom was laid down with tiles but there were two small carpet pads, one in front of the vanity and one next to the toilet. Half of the glass pieces were on the tile and half were in the soft brown rug making the job to pick them up even more difficult.

 "God damn glass. Flipping stupid rug. What the fu... Ow!" I was so busy muttering in agitation that I clenched my hand around a rather sharp piece of glass that then lodged itself into my left palm.

It stung terribly and started to pulse with blood as I quickly stood up and started running cold water over it. The water soon turned a pinkish color as it ran down the drain and I made a face. The sound of running water was followed by more curses as I rifled through my medicine cabinet with my still uninjured hand looking for bandages and disinfectant. I dropped quite a few odds and ends on the floor in my rather desperate search and when I finally found all I needed I turned back to my pulsing hand and ever so carefully took a large tweezers and carefully pulled the shard of glass out of my hand.

The gash went pretty deep and was long, it traveled the length from the knuckle of my pinky down to the bottom of my thumb where it connected to my wrist. It burned furiously as I dabbed disinfectant along the corners of the cut. I hissed under my breath, trying to concentrate and not make the injury worse.

I finally got it cleaned and proceeded to bandage it with a gauze pad then a bandage wrap. By the end of my self-doctoring my left hand looked mummified and silently pulsed in aching pain.

I carefully walked to the living area and tiredly sank into my couch letting out a long and tired sigh. That's what I get for unleashing my frustration on breakable objects. As I thought about my crappy mood my mind wandered to the reason behind my crappy mood.

 Rick Kodiak.

It had been a week since he had shown up at the school, causing Evie to freak out, causing me to be stressed, and everything to swirl hectically down the gutter. This led to my fever coming back with a vengeance causing me to faint from heat exhaustion. I don't remember much after hearing Evie call for me in the hallway but I certainly remember waking up.


It was like I was floating in cool water. It engulfed me in its cooling essence and I simply floated there in relaxation and peace. I felt like I could sleep forever just like this. But my body had other ideas. My ears started to pick up voices and I tried to ignore them but they wouldn't go away. They slowly got louder and louder. Like a growing headache they pounded on my head demanding entrance. I tried to hide in the watery depths from all the noise but they soon became a violent staccato.

  "... Who the HELL do you think you ARE!?"

My body jerked as my eyes opened wide trying to figure out where I was and what was happening. I knew I was laying down, but where? My mind was covered in a thick fog as my eyes traveled all around the area my vantage point allowed until my eyes met the heated gaze of two eyes the color of warm honey.

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