Chapter 15

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         Hello there.  I know now it seems like forever ago but just remember Avery just recently woke back up and we all know neither of our lovable bears really know how to share their feelings so really harsh emotions are just bubbling under the surface waiting for a sharp pin to burst the bubble.Please comment!, I want to hear from you guys there's nothing better than to hear from you guys!

        P.S. oh and just quickly if you already haven't seen I uploaded a short story last week that's finished. The name is "the Choices We Made" I really want some feedback on it and to know if you guys like it :)

        please enjoy

'Keep up or you'll be left behind!'

Jakob roared victoriously as his paws scattered the snow every which way across the forest. Not a care in the world of where he was going. Greg chuffed as he swung his head gaining easily on our youngest brother and I simply smiled as I watched the two of them slam their massive bodies into each other trying to knock the other off balance.

I felt a great warmth course through my veins at being able to spend a week with my family, and my mate. Although sadly with Avery's injuries he couldn't come and run with us. I knew when my brothers were talking about it earlier at breakfast Avery had wanted to come. I could see the longing in his eyes and I knew that it had been a very long time since he had been able to run and play with his own species.

But thankfully mom had intervened and asked Avery to help her make lunch instead. This had seemed to abate his longing and he agreed with a soft smile. Even though I was having immense fun with my brothers after such a long absence I couldn't help but feel an aching in my chest wishing that I was running after the translucent white fur of my mate instead of the mahogany brown of my brothers.

This thought was quickly scattered to the wind as I felt a large hulking form ram into my side and send us both toppling through the snow until I easily used my large size to land on top; roaring victoriously into Jakob's face. His chest vibrated with a growl but I knew it was only him grumbling and not malicious.

As I began to gloat at my victory I felt Greg jump onto my back and push me off of Jakob as Greg nipped at my scruff and paws trying to get me off balance. I swatted him on the head and shot off into the trees as my two younger brothers followed. We were like small cubs playing once again in the soft silence of the forest. It was just like old times as we tussled and rolled about coating ourselves in snow and dirt.

I don't know how long we had run about but we finally plopped down to rest near a small lake that had already frozen over.

Jakob laid sprawled out on his back with his large paws flailing about above him and his tongue hanging out. Greg had a bit more decorum as he folded his paws and laid his head down panting softly. I laid comfortably on my side looking out on the calm scene of the frozen lake.

'So how's the mated life goin' for you?'

I turned my gaze to Jakob who lolled his tongue at me and quirked a thick eyebrow. I chuffed and shrugged the best I could, 'Avery and I aren't... mated...'

Jakob's tongue pulled back into his mouth as his eyes went wide. I turned to see Greg had a similar expression tilting his head to the side like a dog.

'What do you mean 'not mated'? How? I mean... What?'

I rolled my eyes tiredly at Jakob and sat up shaking off my thick coat of some of the snow that had clung to me, 'It's not unheard of. Avery just needs... time... He's been through a lot and I don't want to rush him...'

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