Chapter 12

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Yes its a day early. I'm updating early because we're picking up my brother from the airport today and will most likely not have time tomorrow to upload. So here it is, Chapter 12! In this chapter there will be a little.. how should I put it? Revelation? As to not spoil the fun I won't say anymore ;] And just a HUGE bear hug thank you to those who commented! I loved these last comments! Especially from one jsewell456 hehe! I loved your comment and it honestly made my week to read it! I hope that this chapter is to your liking because its all for you!

Please continue to comment as I've said before I love to read each and everyone!

Please enjoy

Avery's POV


I felt numb.

There was no pain.

There was no cold.

There was no warmth.

It was as if I was floating in nothingness. A deep space of nothing. Neither warm nor cold. Not a worry existed in my small empty world.

Then there was a tap.

A small bump as if something had touched my finger. It was warm. A fuzzy warmth that tingled under your skin and seemed to grow. Like ripples in a pond the heat softly radiated from my finger, into my hand, up my arm, and into my chest.

But as the warmth reached my chest there was a shock, like an electric current causing my body to spasm in pain. I pulled back from the warmth to feel the pain slowly ebb until it was numb once again and my body lay still. The fog in my mind clouded over once again in a thicker haze than before as I settled back into nothingness; hoping for the blackness to once again take me.

Then it happened again.

A small tap of warmth upon my fingers that soon spread deep into my body. At first the warmth is addicting and I want to cry from the wonderful sensations it gives me as it flows up my arm but the moment the warmth reaches my chest the pain strikes once again causing my body to convulse.

I wanted to cry out for it to stop but when I opened my mouth nothing came. Only silence was met with silence. So instead I curled in on myself into a tight ball trying to hide my hand from the touch that repeatedly sought me out.

My body shook like a dead leaf as I tried so desperately to return to the numbness I had come to know so well. I craved the warmth desperately in the depths of my soul but when it came so did the pain and I found myself simply running from both.

I didn't want the pain; thus I hid from the warmth.


The warmth came again creeping along my hand and grasping harshly into my chest and shoulder. I let out a silent scream trying to beg whatever it was to stop. I wanted it to just go away! Why couldn't it just leave me in peace?

"...avery... wake..."

No matter how hard I tried to pull away the warmth grew in strength and slowly became a heat encasing my body with the warmth I craved but as well as the pain I feared. Silent tears fell from my eyes and floated off into the nothingness.

'...please... just go away...'

"...wake up... avery..."

The voice echoed through the emptiness, pleading, begging. But what did they want?

The voice was insistent and no matter how hard I tried to press my hands into my ears it wouldn't stop or even muffle. It just kept repeating the same thing. The more it spoke the stronger the heat became and the pain with it. I thrashed desperately against it but it would not go away.

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