Chapter 3

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THIRD CHAPTER!!!! I am so sorry but I was sick this weekened and when I'm sick I can't think at all. Now I would just like to say a gigantic thank you to a fantastic flilylouxxx who I have dedicated this entire chapter to! They gave me my first comment ever and I see that as a momentous occasion! You have no idea what that comment meant to me.  :'3 Its sort of silly how much I loved seeing someone comment on my first story but THANK YOU SO MUCH! And just for you lilylouxxx I have given you the first look at the mysterious and oh so sexy Rick Kodiak!

"Are you feeling okay?"

I looked up and smiled at Evie, "Now that's something new, a nurse being asked how they feel." I chuckled and she gave me a playful grin as she punched my shoulder. I rubbed it gingerly and gave her my best teddy bear eyes as I whimpered in fake pain. She shook her head and went back to spearing her food.

It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon in September, the sky was cloudy and gray as fat drops of water fell onto the growing fresh green grass. I was practically falling asleep as I sat trying to eat my hamburger and fries in the teachers' lounge with Evie.

Evie and I had always gotten along pretty well. She was only a few years older than me but acted like she was one of the students. She was a pixy-like woman, standing at only five foot two with beautiful strawberry brunette hair. What she lacked in height she made up for in personality. She certainly kept you on your toes with her whiplashes of moods and her firecracker personality. I sometimes felt pity for her mate until I realized he was the perfect man to keep her in check.

Her mate/husband was the definition of tall dark and handsome, quiet but nice, thick and strong, a true Lynx. I met him a few times and have seen him around when he comes to take Evie to lunch or the many times he stops by to give her flowers. And in those times I have only ever heard him say a maximum of 10. But what he lacked in words he made up for in devotion. Evie is truly spoiled.

I suspect in more than just the bedroom.

"Yeah, yeah you're hilarious. They should call you Fozzy, the Comedian Polar Bear."

She laughed at her own joke as I feigned hurt and muttered back, "Oh please, I don't even wear a hat or a bow tie."

After this went back and forth talking about the differences between me and the remarkable Fozzy Bear. I thought the subject of my well-being had been forgotten but after munching on her chicken salad a while Evie soon turned serious.

"What's going on with you?"

I gave her a thoughtful look then turned back to my lunch. What Was going on with me?

Ever since Saturday night I have been in a right down funk.

My body feels like the thermostat has been pushed to the Hell setting with multiple hot flashes hitting me a day. I have taken multiple cold showers, put ice packs all over my body, and even went as far as to use the sports facility's ice bath and nothing works for long. Then when I'm not sweating buckets I'm shivering uncontrollably under piles of blankets. It's like the Bermuda Triangle has taken over my thermostat. What's even worse is I can't control myself. It's not like my body is flailing about without my wanting it to it's just a few nights ago I went to bed and then woke up in the middle of the woods not even realizing I had left. My body wants to shift and my mind tells me not to. I haven't shifted for two whole days because I'm afraid what might happen. But I'm slowly losing the fight. I've grown so tired both mentally and physically.  

I haven't slept properly in days because every time I simply close my eyes I see them, two bright orbs looking straight at me. They fill my vision and block out my sense. Two orbs the color of warm honey.

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