Chapter 14

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        Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :) I don't know about you guys but I had a great christmas. My brother, sister, and mom made lefse and it was DELICIOUS! For those few who don't know what lefse is it is a Scandanavian recipe that uses potatoes, flattens them to thin disks, fries them, then smothers them in butter and sugar to finally roll them up and eat them! Now I know you guys have been waiting patiently and I will not torture you anymore. At first I was planning to make this a Christmas Special but it just didn't work out like that. This is an actual chapter in actual time compared to the rest of the story. 

        Off to the side I have left you Pentatonix's White Winter Hymnal, for I had listened to their christmas album the entire time I wrote this and I thought you would enjoy it also ;)

Please enjoy

Avery's POV


"Damn it."

I smiled softly as Rick scratched his head angrily staring menacingly down at the small, foldable chess board. It was one of those cheap games found in hospitals to waste hours of time for those who are not able to move about.

Like me.

It had been a week since I had first awoken and since that time I had spent most of my days resting. The small amount of time I was awake I spent trying to stomach food and speak to my doctors. Since I had woken the doctors, or I should more accurately say Rick, has not let many visitors enter my room. Only a scant few have been given access and only then for a few minutes.

Rick has... how should I put it, been highly protective of me.

Growling at the slightest noise outside my room, watching over the doctors and nurses like a hawk, or in this case a very large and daunting grizzly. He refuses to leave my side especially when I am allowed visitors. Even though he is always with me he says very little. He always seems to be in deep thought and as such I try not to divide his attention. Sadly though over the week we have had a few disagreements.

Honestly I feel a bit smothered.

I know I confessed to the big lug but in my defense I was weak and higher than an astronaut on drugs at the time and as such I should not be held accountable for my actions, or as the situations so happens, words.

It's not to say I regret saying what I did... it's just I don't know if it was the right time. Only moments after my confession I had blacked out and the next time I had awakened there was a doctor watching over me who then proceeded to tell me what had happened.

A month.

It amazed me even now how much time had passed as I had been in a semi-coma. Maybe amazed is not the right word, more like scared.

I had no concept of time while I slept and no idea of my environment. To me my time asleep was like death. I have never truly been a faithful person. Shifters do not have churches such as the humans do but we have our own beliefs of what is awaiting us. I suppose my father's death just sort of... staunched any and all belief in me.

If I ever had any in the first place...

To me, death is the end. There is nothing else. I would like to believe that when my day comes I will see my father again, but there's this small voice in my head telling me not to have hope.

Rick he... was there beside me the entire time.

Thankfully after I had woken up I had convinced him to take a shower and shave. He no longer smells of sweat and filth, he isn't wearing the same clothes for weeks at a time, and his beard is cleanly shaven although he has decided to allow it to grow a bit longer than before. His eyes are no longer red and hollow as they had been when I had first woken. He looks like his old self again, but I'm not quite sure if that true on the inside.

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