Chapter 9

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        After chapter 8 I was a bit stuck. I mean how do you follow that? Avery's POV? Rick's POV? I tried to work on either but came up with nothing. Then I remembered some of the writing block tips here on Wattpad, and one of them was writing in a new POV. So... SCOTT SUMMER'S!!! The poor guy has sort of just been thrown in there now and again but now here he is!

        On another note I did notice that the comments were pretty angry with Rick and I know that most of the people who did not comment felt that way as well. I don't blame any of you for feeling that way (I would probably feel the same). But I did feel a bit of sympathy for Rick at the same time. So here in Chapter 9 we are going to see the OTHER side of what happened that fateful day. PLEASE COMMENT!

and enjoy.

Scott Summer's POV (Evie's husband)

"He won't FUCKING pick up!!! PICK UP!! I know where you LIVE!!!"

My beautiful wife slammed her cell phone against our dining room table filling the room with a loud crack and growled in anger as she rung her hands. I sighed softly as I stood and went to her side gently taking her shoulders within my hands starting to massage her tense shoulders.

"Maybe he just needs time."

"Ha! Time! Its been a week and still not a word! He simply calls Blake one morning to tell him he won't be in to work for a while. A WHILE! Seven fucking days later and not a word! Not even a peep! What more does he need?!"

I slowly brought my fuming wife over to a chair and sat her calmly down. I continued to massage her tense shoulders and heard the long sigh of tension leave her as she melted back into my touch. After a few minutes of massaging I heard her begin to purr.

A smile formed on my face as I leaned forward and gave her neck a lingering kiss and she moved her head to the side to give me more access. But instead of continuing I moved around and kneeled in front of her.

Evie groaned in defeat as she looked down at my smiling face, "You tease."

"You know you love me." I winked with a crooked smile and she giggled.

"Yes I do. I do. I do. I do." With every 'I do' she spoke she pecked me with her plump delectable lips around my face, every place except my lips.

I gave a small feral growl, "Tease."

She giggled as I grabbed the back of her head and brought her delicious lips in contact with mine. They were warm and soft, full and delicious against mine. Just to prove something I nipped at her bottom lip and tugged slightly.

She started to purr once again and I chuckled gruffly under my breath, "Do you feel better?"

My lips hovered over hers as her bright green eyes shimmered with love and trust. Her cheeks tinged with pink as she smiled and ran her finger down my left cheek lightly. The soft touch sent shivers down my spine and I gave her one last peck before I stood and went to grab her something to drink.

"A little..."

I looked back and smiled as I poured her a glass of milk. As I poured the milk splashed slightly and a small dribble of the white goodness fell onto my thumb. I closed the milk jug and brought the glass back Evie as I licked the cool liquid off watching as my wife's eyes followed my tongue. I smiled as she took a long gulp but the smile faded as she swallowed and spoke again.

"I'm worried about him Scott... What if he's hurt? What if something happened to him? What if..."

I placed my forefinger on her lips to stop her and gave her a slight smile, "You are a worry wart. But that's exactly what I love about you. But you're probably right. Avery isn't exactly open with words but he is with actions. But I also think that barging into his home and demanding answers isn't going to work."

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