Chapter 7

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Yes this chapter is a little shorter BUT it is the gateway to something that will become HUGE for the rest of the story. I was thrown a little off by the Halloween Special because while writing this chapter I didn't know whether to incorporate the Halloween Special as an occurance that happened before this chapter or completely ignore its existence. I've decided to squeeze it into the happenings of this chapter. Think of the Halloween Special as an off to the side occurance that happened during the few weeks in between Avery meeting Rick and their date. If that makes sense to you then that's good but if it doesn't don't freak out. Please comment, I love to hear from you guys it makes my day to read comments :)

Please enjoy.

Rick's POV

"So how'd the date go?"

I swiveled in my seat to see Jeffery smiling broadly as he stood in my office doorway. My new office wasn't anything special. Just a big oak desk pushed against a wall with a bunch of filing cabinets surrounding it. The only thing that had been added since I got there was a small photograph of my graduating year with my mom and brothers. Otherwise it was just a very plain and simple office.

But as my mother always used to tell me, 'It's not the workplace that makes the worker. It's the worker that makes the workplace.

As my thoughts turned away from my plain office to the question I was asked and then to the other night I couldn't fight the smile that spread across my face.

"It was... Good."

"Good. Huh?" Jeffery chuckled as he scratched at his beard.

I couldn't help but chuckle as well.

Avery was... different. There was this naïve sweetness about him, but at the same time a ferocity that demanded to be recognized.

He was embarrassed easily by any kind of acts of affection for I knew he hadn't truly dated before, I had asked that the other day and he had answered a little awkwardly that he hadn't. But I couldn't judge him for that.

I had never truly dated before either. I had always been moving around working. Then when I was younger and still living with my mother I was too busy looking after the place and helping her pay the bills to think about anything else. I didn't really have time for relationships. To be honest, for a while I wasn't really that interested anyway.

It always seemed like there were more important things to do.

But with Avery, my whole perspective was different.

I wanted to do everything right. Whenever I was with him I felt this need to please him. To say all the right words and do all the right things. Avery and I have been used to being alone and now that we found each other it's almost like years of solitude have to be thrown out the window for twenty-four-seven contact.

It's a bit much I realize.

I know to Avery it doesn't seem like it, but I'm trying to give him his much needed space. Among other things sometimes I just need to cool down too. But it's just that everything about Avery winds me up so tight sometimes I think my head might pop off from the pressure.

His nervous habit of picking at his fingers, the way he looks someone in the eye when speaking to them, the color his cheeks turn when he blushes, the soft plumpness of his lips... The way he stutters when he's nervous. His smile when he laughs.


Sometimes I can catch him looking at me with the same emotions I feel deep down for him. But then almost instantly it's gone, he turns his gaze away and it's no longer there. There's a spark of anger inside me each time this happens.

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