Chapter 8

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Here we are. Waiting to see the outcome of two bulging testosterones face off. You will notice that I have uploaded a new cover for Bite Me. I did make it myself :D But I don't know if I like it enough to keep it. I would very much appreciate your feedback on the new cover to tell me if I should keep it or bring back the old one. And you can also see that I put up a pictre off to the side. The picture is of the big bad ass Rick Kodiak when he is EXTREMELY pissed off. Please comment.

And please enjoy.

"Does this hurt?" I put slight pressure on the back of a young girl's shoulder blade as she whimpered slightly and her friend squeezed her hand reassuringly.


I nodded as I took my hands off of her shoulder and rolled over to my supply closet, "You've just sprained your shoulder a bit. Hold this ice pack on it for a while and try to keep your arm as still as you can. No tackling anymore volleyballs alright?"

I handed her a break and shake ice pack and carefully set her arm in a temporary sling as she chuckled through her sniffles and her friend laughed with her.

"Thank you Mr. Nanuk." T

They stood and made their way slowly to the door. The uninjured friend went to reach for the doorknob and I was already turning back to my desk when the door burst open to reveal a very frightened and wide eyed boy who was panting and looking around crazily until his eyes landed on me.

"Mr. Nanuk! GYM!!! HURRY!!!"


My heart was no longer in my chest as I ran down the hallways with frightened students and staff scattering to each side out of my path. I couldn't hear anything, only the blood pounding in my ears and above all else the rumbles like furious thunder reverberating off the walls. And all I could think of was...


My speed grew as the sounds of the world around me beat down upon me as I heard yelling and crashing up ahead. As I came closer there were students running away in the opposite direction along with a few who had shifted in self-defense and fear hiding in nooks and crannies with their tails between their legs whimpering and hissing.

As I came around the last corner I skidded to a halt, hitting my right shoulder hard against the door as my eyes widened at the scene in front of me.

The gym was a disaster zone.

Benches and equipment littered the ground as if a tornado had blown in. The matts lined against the walls were torn to shreds as well as the wood flooring. Large gashes were dragged across every surface along with random spatterings of blood.

A few of the staff were left in the gym after evacuating the students but none of them ventured to go farther than being glued to the walls. For in the middle of the gym held two large figures that exuded the feelings of power and dominance. They slowly circled each other growling and swiping at each other every now and then.

The smaller of the two was a slightly brown wolf, whom I could immediately recognize as Tom from his scent, with a large musculature and razor sharp fangs that dripped with saliva as he howled menacingly. There was blood dripping from multiple wounds upon his body, one being his right ear which was torn practically in half along with a heavy limp in his back left paw. But the worst was two large gashes embedded in his upper right shoulder that dripped blood onto the flooring below his feet.

But even through all these injuries he stood tall and faced off against his attacker.

My eyes became transfixed on the other figure that seemed to tower over the large timber wolf. Thick, brown fur coated every inch of the gigantic frame that seemed to accentuate the taught muscles underneath. Long slightly curved claws the length of a man's finger scraped menacingly against the wood flooring as the large form lumbered forward circling the much smaller wolf. Lips drawn back to show thick, pearly white fangs shining in the light dripping blood from his maw as threatening growls vibrated through his throat and echoed throughout the gym. His small ears were swiveled back as his small eyes were squinted in fury.

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