Chapter 11

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        Chapter 11. Wow. Alright these last few chapters have been pretty emotional to write personally for me. So you guys really let out your frustration in your comments :) I might be a little sadistic for liking them... Please comment I LOVE hearing from you I honestly read every comment twelve times over the course of a week. It just makes me happy to know people are enjoying my writing :) Off to the side I left you with another picture, its a bouquet of blue and white roses that I thought would add a bit of a personal touch.

please enjoy

Third Person POV

'beep, beep, beep'

The rhythmic sound echoed through the small silent room. The echoes left a hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach the way they simply repeated one after the other.

The room itself was a painful stark white lacking in any warmth or comfort. The only splash of color that blessed the room was a small bouquet of white and blue roses set in a fragile glass vase on the night stand beside the only bed in the room. Laid delicately among its petals sat a simple white card reading elegantly in black script, Get Well Soon Avery.

In the room itself there was only one window that stood in the far wall looking out onto a small courtyard that was currently blanketed lightly in white fluffy snow. There was also only one door leading in and out of the quiet room that as of late had stayed closed, and lastly there were only two forms inhabiting the cold, hollow room.

One sat forlornly in a stiff wooden chair with little to no padding to comfort their tired aching body. His chin was overlaid in weeks of unshaven stubble forming a ragged beard of sorts. His once softly curled brown hair was now a mess of tangles and frizz. Dark, puffy circles laid under his reddened eyes and his skin itself starkly contrasted his dark mahogany hair with its sickly paleness. His reddened, tired eyes looked sadly and longingly at the other still form laying in the room.

This form lay still as death upon a bed of white with thin blankets lain over his still body. His soft white hair was brushed to the side for over the weeks it had grown long and seemed to get in the way of the doctors and nurses. His skin was pale and his body thin. His body was hooked with needles of all sizes that led to large, daunting machines and bags of fluid that all kept him alive.

His face alone would have been left undisturbed as if he were only sleeping if not for the oxygen mask that laid over his nose and mouth that every now and again was fogged with his soft, silent exhales.

Although you could not see the rest of his body for the blankets that lay on top of him many knew that much lay underneath the thin protection. For underneath the blankets hid the cause of his seemingly eternal sleep.


One wound embedded in his shoulder where it had snapped the humerus almost in half. The doctors were forced to reform the bones and place them back in their proper places before placing the arm in a hard cast. Normally they would put an iron rod inside to help it heal properly in place but since he was a shifter this was not an option for his bones repeatedly reformed themselves during shifts.

The second wound and the worst was an injury in his chest. The bullet had entered directly into his sternum and had shattered the hard bone passing the bullet through the chest cavity, grazing the left lung and finally lodging itself in the back of the ribs.

The surgery for this particular injury had taken 13 hours. Their first intent was to remove the bullet and assess the damage before trying to reconfigure the bone fragments back into their proper places. In the end they were forced to use small pieces of metal plating on the sternum for some of the bone were unsalvageable. They placed the small pieces of metal plating in a way that would give slight discomfort in shifting but it would not cause damage. Thankfully the lung was not perforated and thus it simply needed time to heal. The rib for which the bullet was lodged in was cracked and slightly splintered but would heal in time.

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