003: found

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eunji's p.o.v

Yesterday, I tried my hardest to even close my eyes the slightest, but it was impossible.
I just couldn't stop overthinking at all.

My whole mind was flooded by the most bizarre things and imaginations. Scenarios, thoughts.

"What are you staring at? You look like a ghost." Ara laughed and started swiping her hands in front of my face to help me snap out of it.
It worked.

"Just..tired." I nodded at her, still in my thoughts while smiling reassuringly.

She was about to continue, when the whole classroom went quiet all of a sudden.

Jungwon and the others entered while laughing loudly about their own jokes and hitting each others shoulders playfully.

eunji's p.o.v end

jungwon's p.o.v

"Cheer up, Buddy." Jay wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me glare at him playfully.

All of my friends wouldn't stop teasing me after I had them what happened with Sangmi.

That's not what I wanted.

If they didn't tease me, they would nod at me silently with that certain look on their faces.


I'm sure they mean well, but fuck it wasn't working. I didn't cheer up nor did I feel better.

I wanted everyone to continue acting as if nothing had happened, rather than having them treat me like a pitiful loser who will always be stuck in an one-sided love.

"Whatever. See you around." I playfully shushed them away and grinned, hiding the uneasy feeling that has been following me since yesterday.

Why was I acting like this?
Nobody should ever even get the chance to take over my emotions like that.

"I...didn't know you felt that way about me. I'm sorry, I don't feel the same. I just-I only see you as a friend, Jungwon. We've been friends since forever. And I wish to continue that. I'm really sorry."

"Annoying." I slightly gritted my teeth and looked to the side, feeling irritated all of a sudden.

I need to forget Sangmi.
Heck, I shouldn't even think about her name.

"You good?" Sunoo smiled at me with that one apologetic smile, that people always have after something bad happened.

"Never felt better." I smiled back at him before I stood up and left to go to my seat.
Looking at my two friends was almost unbearable since they kept glancing over to Sang- I meant her, who was literally only a few metres away.

And they were so obvious too.

It sucked to be in the same class as her.

When I reached to my seat, I was just about to sit down, when I glanced at the person sitting right behind me.

She had her hair dangling in front of her face, while doodling on a piece of paper, seemingly uninterested in others' conversations.

Shrugging, I was just about to turn to the front when the lunchbox, peeking out of her school bag caught my eye.

Metallic, rounded corners, a panda sticker almost scratched off and matching silver ware.

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