030: silent

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(a/n: i feel way too shy to reply to y'alls comments but just know i keep rereading every single one of them and i feel so appreciated you guys are too nice i will never stop saying this🤚🏻😔)

eunji's p.o.v

I did it.

"Eunji? Where are you going?" Jungwon grabbed my attention, making me turn my head to him again.

He looked confused.
"What do you mean? There's no reason for me to stay." I replied and smiled once again, though it felt forced this time, "I told you everything you wanted to know, didn't I?"

He was just about to say something, when Sangmi arrived at our table.

"Hi! Eunji and..Jungwon?" Sangmi greeted us as I stared down at Jungwon's hand, which was wrapped around my wrist.
Looking up, I met his eyes. He stared at me, irritated and confused.

"You should go order something first!" I quickly shook my head and nodded to Sangmi, ignoring Jungwon's gaze and turning to the counter.

"Alright then..I will be right back." Sangmi's confused voice, made me look down. This was not going as smoothly, as I thought it would go.

I sighed, "I'm doing you a favour with this, Jungwon."

There was a short silence, Jungwon looked confused at first when it suddenly hit him.
"Wait..so you asked Sangmi to come here? I thought we were..today-" He shook his head in deny, "Why?"

"I told you. I'm just helping you get closer to her-"

"But I don't want you to. I don't want to get closer to Sangmi."Jungwon interrupted me, "And I never asked you to do this."

"You seriously are so stubborn." I nervously looked to Sangmi, who was almost done with her order, "I'm doing this for you. Why are you so against it? I know you don't dislike her, so stop acting so cold."

I bitterly looked down.
Jungwon even dreamed of her. Of course he didn't hate her. His actions were louder than his words. He just needed to realise it.

"I don't know it's just-" Jungwon looked away, "I thought I would get to spend some time with you today."

Thump, thump, thump.
My heart skipped a beat, my eyes widening.
Why was he keep saying stuff like this?

"But I guess I was wrong." He sighed and continued to refuse to look at me.

I could feel Sangmi already returning to our seat, "Another time. We can meet up another time. There will be tons of opportunities for us to meet, so you should enjoy your time... together with Sangmi. I know that this is what you want."

He continued to stay silence, probably processing my words.

"Before you go." Jungwon stopped me once again, his hand wrapped around my wrist naturally.

I got used to it at this point.

"Is me being friends with Sangmi that important to you? Would it made you happy if I were friends with her again?"

I looked down at his question, not really expecting it. The way he worded it, confused me.
Is this what I really wanted?
I had no idea.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want." I answered, without thinking.

Jungwon only nodded, looking down before letting go my wrist, his expression blank, "Alright then."

"Have fun." Was the last thing I said before turning around. My hand grabbing my bag tighter.

A bad feeling started to spread inside of me.
There was a certain distance that started to lay out between me and Jungwon, I could feel it.
The more steps I was taking towards the exit of the café, I could feel me drifting apart from him more and more.

And I disliked it.

I could hear Sangmi asking, where I was going after she was finished ordering, but then the distance between us was too big for me to hear Jungwon's answer.

But it was too late now. I did what I had to do.

And so I left.
Walking straight home and not looking back once.
Jungwon was going to have the time of his life and I helped him.

That was all that mattered.

But then again, here I was. Ending up back alone in my own suffocating home with nothing else but these damned petals with me.

Everything was going according to plan.
But I couldn't help myself but asking..was it really a good decision to bring Jungwon Sangmi closer?

eunji's p.o.v end

Both Jungwon and Eunji didn't reach out for each other the rest of the holidays.

It somehow didn't feel right for both of them, especially after what happened back then in the café.

Jungwon indeed had a great time with Sangmi.
Though it was awkward at first, Sangmi was the first one to break the ice and they got closer again that day.
It felt relieving and somehow trouble-free to talk to Sangmi, he thought to himself.

But despite that Jungwon's mind was far away from being at ease. If he was honest, he didn't like it at all.
He preferred hanging out with Eunji far more than with Sangmi and the fact that Eunji set him up on a meeting with her without asking him first, was irritating him.

It didn't feel right to him, to message Eunji after the café meeting, so he ended up not reaching out to her at all.

Yes, he was that petty.

Eunji on the other hand was too busy with her own thoughts and problems, that it eventually got silent between the two over the holidays.

As if they never were friends in the first place.

But fate had other plans for their friendship and school started again soon.
It made it almost impossible for the two to ignore each other.

Luckily no one went to the school garden over the lunch break, so it was just them two.
A wave of recall washed over Eunji as she realised how familiar this situation was with their first encounter. This was the place where everything began.

They looked into each others eyes, no one talking. The tension was high and Jungwon started coming closer to her.
He took another step towards Eunji, his eyes never leaving hers.

"Jungwon, I-..." She stammered nervously, not knowing what to say. She missed him so much over the holidays, it drove her crazy.

But here he was. Standing in front of her again.

"Eunji." Jungwon interrupted her softly, now standing in front of her as he casually leaned forward, bending down slightly to her height. Both his arms in his pockets lazily, while he smiled warmly. His eyes looking even more beautiful up close, "Are you free tomorrow?"

The girl stayed silent and just nodded as an answer, looking at him expectantly.

"Go on a date with me."

And she could feel her heart stopping.

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