028: visit

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(a/n: but for real y'all i'm sorry for the late update but i'm experiencing the worst writer's block right now
like you guys shouldn't be surprised if this book magically disappears LMAO)

"Oh, Jungwon. You are awake." Sangmi smiled, putting down the pan.

Jungwon had finally awaken from his sleep, walking or more like stumbling down the stairs while rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Where's Eunji?" The boy immediately asked, ignoring the girl's comment.
He could have sworn he fell asleep with Eunji next to him, but the moment he woke up she was nowhere to be found.

"She left yesterday night..telling me she didn't feel well." Sangmi looked down, remembering the other girl's hurt expression, "Pancakes?" She quickly shook it off and put on a smile.

"I will pass." Jungwon quietly spoke, frowning at the fact that Eunji had left already.

"You should eat." Sangmi quickly shook her head.

"I'm full." The boy quickly excused himself and averted his gaze. Remembering how he dreamed of Sangmi yesterday didn't fail to fluster him the moment he saw her in person.

"Good morning~" Ara suddenly stepped out of the living room, looking all bubbly, "Did you sleep well, Jungwon?"

"Could be better." Jungwon's voice turned ice cold, as he didn't even look in Ara's direction.
He's got a bad feeling about her ever since she spoke about Eunji's parents yesterday.

"Awh C'mon~ Why's everyone acting like this?" Ara sighed dramatically, "Was it because yesterday? Because of what I said to Eunji?"

Jungwon raised an eyebrow. Did the girl just read his mind?

"You are overreacting." Ara pouted, letting herself drop on the seat.

Sangmi on the other hand didn't even pay attention to Ara, holding pettily a grudge.
She has been suspicious of Ara since the beginning and after her bitchy behaviour at her party, she was sure she didn't want to get involved with Ara any further.

"Me and Eunji are friends since forever. It's only naturally for me to joke around a bit." Ara laughed, "Also..It's not like Eunji minded. Like she said it was a while ago."

"Joking about someone's deceased family members, isn't as funny as you think it is." Jungwon's serious voice, made Ara's eyes widen.

"I'm her friend, you know." Ara shot back, fuming.

"Seriously if you decide to keep acting like this towards Eunji.." Jungwon darkly glanced at her, "I will make sure Sunoo knows about this."

Ara's smirk vanished, "Are you blackmailing me right now?"

"I'm just saying you are lucky that he was busy yesterday." Jungwon continued, putting his hand on the table firmly.
He was mad. Definitely.

"Guys. Stop." Sangmi interrupted the two.

"I seriously can't believe all of you." Ara scoffed loudly and stood up, before stomping out of the room with tears in her eyes.

Just when Sangmi was about to scold the boy, her phone rang, making Jungwon turn to her, his curiosity growing.

"It's Eunji." Sangmi spoke, making Jungwon's eyes widen more.
"What did she say-" He hurriedly asked, coming closer to Sangmi, trying to understand what they were talking about.

"Good morning, Sangmi."

"Eunji! How are you?" She spoke excitedly, feeling all relieved, "You sound a lot better."

"Yeah I'm alright...I just- Can you pass a message to Jungwon for me?"

Sangmi's eyes widened, as she turned to Jungwon.
Was it alright if he listened? She wasn't sure.

Jungwon on the other hand just looked at Sangmi's phone in surprise.

Sangmi decided to not mind him, "Sure, go ahead!"

"Please tell him...he shouldn't reach out for me for the next few days. Please."

"What? Why?" Sangmi asked, surprised almost shocked.

"It worsened."
Was the only thing Eunji said, but Sangmi immediately knew what she was talking about.

Turning away from the boy, Sangmi glanced at him, signalling him to not listen, before sighing.
"Did you..Did it happen again?"

"Y-yeah. It was kinda surprising, but it wasn't as bad as the other times."

"Please call me if you need anything."

"Yes, I will. Take care~"
Eunji hung up.

"Is Eunji sick again?" Jungwon worriedly asked immediately after the call ended, still staring at Sangmi's phone, "Why didn't she tell me personally?"

"Jungwon, don't worry about it. She's alright." Sangmi sighed once again, turning away, "You should go home. The others left already."

"Why are all of you keeping secrets from me?" The boy asked with an annoyed undertone, as he felt left out.
Everyone has been acting all weird not long ago and it seemed like he was the only one who didn't know what was going on.

"I said don't worry about it. It's not important." She spoke slowly. Sangmi was just as overwhelmed by everything, "You should pack your stuff."

Sensing Sangmi's tiredness, Jungwon decided to give up.

He went home not long after, the bad feeling never once leaving him. Jungwon knew something was wrong.

There must be a reason why everyone was acting so mysterious.
And he was more than eager to find out what the reason was.

Four days passed since the party at Sangmi's and Eunji never once answered any of Jungwon's texts.

Though he knew that she announced about her being unreachable for an unknown amount of time, he still was troubled by it.
There wasn't a time where he wasn't worrying over Eunji.

It was holidays. So what was the girl doing that she would be completely unavailable?

"Pick up, Pick up, Pick up." Jungwon groaned in annoyance the moment the service voice notified him, that the number he was trying to reach was unavailable.

Was she avoiding him?
Was she hiding again?
So many thoughts crossed his mind.

Usually, he wouldn't really care about what his friends were doing. They had their own life and businesses to do and Jungwon gladly respected them.

But it was different with Eunji.
She had always been so puzzling and confusing, that he couldn't help but be curious and concerned about her.

"I don't care anymore." He mumbled to himself, grabbing his jacket, before running outside.
If she wasn't going to answer him over text, there was only one way for him to find out why she was isolating herself from everyone.

Taking the first bus he saw, he looked outside the window.
Jungwon's eyes blinked at the familiar path the bus was taking.

He was going to visit Eunji. No matter what happens, he needed to find out what was wrong.

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