011: home

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eunji's p.o.v

"What's wrong? Aren't you coming?" Jungwon raised an eyebrow and turned around to me, as I was busy thinking of a way to escape this situation.

"I will walk home alone." I bluntly said and looked at him, hoping that he will accept my decision, "It's fine. I'm sure we both live in different directions, so it would be impractical to not walk alone—"

From the beginning on he was strongly insisting on walking me home, even when I declined.

"No, you won't."
Of course he would disagree.

Fidgeting with my fingers, I looked around nervously, before giving up, "Alright." My voice broke slightly, insecurity written across my face.

It's been dark for a while now, as me and Jungwon both walked along the narrow pavement in silence.

The both of us probably were too exhausted to start any conversations.

"We live in the same direction." He mumbled, making me look at him. It made me think of the terrible excuse I made before we started walking.

"Oh, you are right." I simply answered.

"That's practical." He would add, making my eyes widen. What was he talking about?

My gaze travelled around when it suddenly stopped at a familiar building silhouette. The chapped paint was still visible despite the darkness engulfing us and the dim street lights going out.

I'd take a sharp breath.
"Listen Jungwon, you can go ahead alone now. I still need to...do something." I stopped walking and turned around to him, when he followed my actions and stopped too.

"Do what?" I could see his eyebrow moving upwards.

"That's not important, but— you know, I'm fine now. You don't need to walk me home till the end."
I was anxious, afraid.
He would be the first one ever to see my house.

And that was the last thing I wanted to happen after he saw me struggling because of my asthma.

"Why are you acting like this, Eunji?" He raised an eyebrow and looked deeply into my eyes, trying to find answers, "Are you hiding something?"

"It's nothing! Really...I just.." Looking around again, I sighed. This familiar neighbourhood. How sick I was of it.

"What? It's what?"

"I can't..I can't tell you."

He huffed out a breathe and chuckled, "Stop talking in codes and just tell me what you are talking about."

"I'm serious!" I protested, lowkey mad at him for making fun of me while I was here panicking.

"I'm too! If you aren't going to tell me what's wrong I won't be able to help you." Jungwon tilted his head and put both his hands in his pockets.

I don't want you to help.

"I warned you." Was the only thing I said, before continuing to walk, heading to the place where I wanted to be last at this very moment.

My home.


"This is where me and my mother live." I sighed once again and looked down.
The old gate was separate us from the match-boxed house that was shining brightly cheerfully in the dark moonlight.

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