031: observe

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(a/n: YOU.GUYS.2K?VOTES?&;WHAT?THE?HELELLLDDLDLD YEAH THATS IT I SERIOUSLY CANT W YALL THANK YOU SO MUCH i must have saved a whole world in my past life jesus christ 😫‼️)

When Eunji didn't answer and just proceed to look at him wide-eyed, Jungwon tilted his head.

"I mean..it's been a long time since we hung out and I kind of need your opinion on somethimg." He looked away and scratched the nape of his neck, "I missed you."

The girl still hasn't managed to get back her vocal chords.

Too many things were happening at once.
Jungwon was asking her out on a date.

Of course, he probably meant it in the most platonic way possible. They haven't spent time for a while now, since she has been avoiding him. He needed someone to cry his heart out. Someone to lean his shoulder on about his one-sided love.

But she didn't mind.
Eunji got used to Jungwon saying stuff he didn't mean, so it didn't affect her greatly. Though she felt a little sting in her heart.

He said that he missed her over the holidays.
What was he doing to her poor heart?

"I mean, if you don't want to that's fine-"

"No. I want to. I will be there." She quickly interrupted him with a nod, as he broke out in a smile.

"Alright, I'm already looking forward to tomorrow then." He dangerously went close to her face and patted her head, still smiling, "Now let's go back to class. We don't want to get detention, do we?"

"Yep." She only managed to say, the blush on her cheeks already being way too obvious.

She had mixed feelings about this whole "date", mostly bad ones but then again, internally there was this warm feeling again.

She was going to spent the whole day with Jungwon.
She alone. No Sangmi, No anyone.
Just her and Jungwon.

And she needed to enjoy every little second of it.

jungwon's p.o.v

"Yeah, that's definitely on us." I sighed, watching the last bus that could take us to the mall, driving away.

And if that wasn't enough, it started to rain just the second after.

The universe was being extra obvious trying to ruin my alone time with my friend today.

At this I turned around. Glancing at Eunji, I tilted my head.

She looked almost unfazed and just nodded, before grabbing the hem of my sleeve out of no where.

"Let's go."

My heartbeat fastened.

"What? But it's raining!" I shook my head, wide eyed, before pulling her closer to me so she would completely stand underneath the bus stop.

I personally didn't mind walking through the rain, but I didn't want her to get sick.

"You said it was important. We shouldn't let today go to waste like this." Eunji eagerly insisted, making me chuckle.

"Alright, alright. Let me just-" I turned Eunji around, so she was facing me and took off my blazer, putting it on top of her head, "You haven't even brought back my other jacket, so make sure to not lose this one, alright?"

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